Kirtimukha (Sanskrit kīrtimukha, mistakenly also kīrttimukha, a bahuvrihi compound translating to "glorious face") is the name of a swallowing fierce monster face with huge fangs, and gaping mouth, quite common in the iconography of Indian and Southeast Asian temple architecture. In Southeast Asia it is often referred to as Kala and in China it is known as T'ao t'ieh (Monster of Greed).
The word mukha in Sanskrit refers to the face while kīrti means "fame, glory". Kirtimukha has its origin in a legend from the Skanda Purana when Jalandhara, an all-devouring monster created from Shiva, third eye willingly ate his body starting by its tail as per Lord Shiva's order, who pleased with the result gave it the name face of glory. Some authors have compared the Kirtimukha myth with the Greek myth of Ouroboros.
The Kirtimukha is often used as a decorative motif surmounting the pinnacle of a temple or the image of a deity, especially in South Indian architecture. This face is sometimes assimilated to, or confused with, another sculptural element, the lion face (Simhamukha). However, in order to be a Kirtimukha it has to be engaged in swallowing, for the Kirtimukha is the figure of the "all consuming" This monstrous face with bulging eyes sits also as an embellishment over the lintel of the gate to the inner sanctum in many Hindu temples signifying the reabsorption that marks the entry into the temple. Mostly it is only a face, although in some places its arms are portrayed as well.
No puedo olvidar un viejo amor que me lastima
por que me clavo en el corazon tremenda espina
no puedo arancarme este dolor ni con tekila
mienten los que dicen el liqor te cura heridas
porque en cada copa que tome mas la veia
y asta ilusinaba por su amor y mas bebia
como me a dolido su traicion quierido amigo
yo que casi pierdo la razon y no la olvido
y echele mis rieleros que barbaros pos si que no
por que en cada copa que tome mas la veia
y asta ilusinaba por su amor y mas bebia
como me a dolido su traision querido amigo
yo que casi pierdo la razon y no la olvido