Christopher "Kipp" Lennon (born March 12, 1960) is an American musician, and a founding member of the folk rock band Venice. His role in the band includes performing as a lead vocalist and percussionist.
Lennon was born in Venice, California, the son of William and Isabelle Lennon. Lennon's given name is Christopher. The explanation he gives for his nickname is: "When I was brought home from the hospital as a brand new baby, March 1960, everyone was calling me 'Chrissy', like people do with newborns. You add an 'e' or 'y' or whatever to their name as an instant nickname. Okay, so my brother Joe was 3 years old and he couldn't say 'Chrissy', and kept saying 'Kippy'. My brother Dan, who was ten, thought that was hilarious, and from that day on, literally my first day at home, I was dubbed Kippy, never to be called Christopher again except by doctors, teachers, cops, and my mom if she was mad at me."
When Kippy Lennon was nine years old, he and his family endured the shooting death of their father, William. Chet Young, a stalker who believed himself to be married to Kipp's sister Peggy (of The Lennon Sisters) felt that the father stood in the way and had to be eliminated. Lying in wait, Young shot him in the parking lot of the Marina Del Rey golf course and two months later used the same gun to commit suicide. The family later discovered an unopened letter having a cutout of Mr. Lennon, a picture of a gun pointed at his head, and the words "High Noon" (the time of the murder) (source Dr. Doreen Orion, I Know You Really Love Me).
Keep an eye
Keep an eye
Keep an eye
On your close friend
Keep an eye
Keep an eye
Keep an eye
On your close friend
'Cause what you got that'll make you lose
And then turn around and step in your shoes
I say they'll turn around
And step in your shoes
Like the day I stood there numb
Watchin' my friend walk away
With my love on her arm
No, what she left me was
The memory of the moment when she said
"I'm sorry for what I have to do
But you see I love him just as much as you"
Keep an eye
Keep an eye
On your close friend
Keep an eye
Keep an eye
You better watch out
For your close friend
The devil's workshop is a busy place
On top of evil there's an innocent face
Oh, on top of evil he puts an innocent face
She was just like a spider
Only twice as smart
Kindness was the thread
She used to weave our world apart
It used to be three of us seen all over town
Now there's only two
Someone's missing guess who
Now I see how she schemed and finally
Worked her way in between
She planted seeds of mistrust here and there
Causin' us to fight unaware
Her comforting way when I would cry
Shadowed the look of triumph in her eye
Just like a snake on a limb of a tree
A friend is an enemy you can see
'Cause what you got that'll make you lose
And then turn around and step in your shoes
They'll turn around
And step in your shoes
So you better keep an eye on your close friend
You better watch out for your close friend
Don't trust nobody
Don't trust nobody
Keep an eye on your close friend