List of kings of Argos
Before the establishment of a democracy, the Ancient Greek city-state of Argos was ruled by kings. Most of them are probably mythical or only semi-historical. This list is based on that given by Eusebius of Caesarea.
An alternative version supplied by Tatian of the original 17 consecutive kings of Argos includes Apis and Argios between Argos and Triopas.
Inachid Dynasty
Inachos, the supposed son of Oceanos and Tethys, is affirmed to have been the founder of this kingdom. He married his sister Melissa, by whom he had two sons, Phoroneus and Aegialeus: he is supposed to be the father of Io, and therefore the Greeks are sometimes called "Inachoi" after him (see also the names of the Greeks).
Phoroneus. Son of Inachos.
Apis. Son of Phoroneus.
Argos Pelasgos or Argeos. Son of Zeus and Niobe, the daughter of Phoroneus.
Argos named the kingdom after himself.
Criasos or Pirasos or Peranthos. Son of Argos.
Phorbas. Son of either Argos or Criasos.
Triopas. Son of Phorbas.
Jasos. According to different sources, he was son of either Phoroneus, Argos Pelasgos, Argos Panoptes, or Triopas.