Famous quotes by Kim Campbell:
"We have to define and put into practice a better, more coherent and effective policy on income security."
"Canada is the homeland of equality, justice and tolerance."
"I'd be prouder still to say I was Canada's 10th woman prime minister."
"Our Canada is an inclusive country, built by English - and French - speaking Canadians, together with our Aboriginal peoples, who were here first, and the millions who have come since from every corner of the world. And still they come-1 million people a year make inquiries about coming to Canada."
"Too often, governments have operated in a vacuum, believing they could come up with some magic formula to which they have an exclusive patent."
"I think the tribal council should make it the highest priority. That would mean the election results would be a true representation of what tribal members want. As it stands, the election process is tainted."
"An increasing number of Canadians must juggle the demands of work with the need to care for children, or for family members who are ill or too frail to care for themselves. Our programs have simply not kept pace with these societal changes."
"I believe that Canadians have the common sense to see that a better future cannot be built on fragmentation."
"For me, unemployment and poverty in the Greater Montreal area is not mainly a problem of structure, or design, or statistics. It is a profoundly human situation."
"We live in tough times, and Canadians have some tough questions for government. They want clear answers. They are well beyond the glib, glad-handing of the past."
"I have always believed governments must adapt to the needs of the people, not the other way around."
"I believe it is time for new leadership that is able to leave the '70s behind."
"For too many, to work means having less income."