The Kidarite (Chinese: Jiduolo) were a dynasty of the "Ki" clan, probably originating from the Hara Huna Kingdom. They were part of the complex of Iranian-speaking tribes known collectively as Xionites or "Hunas".
During the 4th-5th century they established the Kidarite kingdom.
The Kidarites, a nomadic clan, are supposed to have originated in China and arrived in Bactria with the great migrations of the second half of the 4th century.
When Shi Le established the Later Zhao state, it is thought that many of the Uar (Chinese 滑 Huá) fled (c. 320 CE) from the area around Pingyang (平陽; modern Linfen, Shanxi) and fled west along the Silk Road. This put pressure on the Xionites, who increasingly encroached upon Khorasan and the frontiers of the Kushan state.
The Kidarite king Grumbat mentioned by Ammianus Marcellinus was a cause of much concern to the Persians. Between 353 AD and 358 AD, the Xionites under Grumbat attacked in the eastern frontiers of Shapur II's empire along with other nomad tribes. After a prolonged struggle they were forced to conclude a peace, and their king Grumbat accompanied Shapur II in the war against the Romans. Victories of the Xionites during their campaigns in the Eastern Caspian lands are described by Ammianus Marcellinus: Grumbates Chionitarum rex novus aetate quidem media rugosisque membris sed mente quadam grandifica multisque victoriarum insignibus nobilis. ("Grumbates, the new king of the Xionites, while he was middle aged, and his limbs were wrinkled, he was endowed with a mind that acted grandly, and was famous for his many, significant victories." –Ammianus Marcellinus, 18.6.22.)
(Ana Torroja)
Una charla tranquila
me debes desde abril
Hay un tema que no tocaste
siempre fue asi
Tanto tiempo perdido
Tanto esperar
con las ganas que tenîa
de dejarme llevar
Si pudiera ver donde va
lo que no volvera
Poca broma contigo
que estoy harta de todo
no me vengas llorando
que no vas a encontrar el modo
Tu moneda de besos
ha perdido su valor
no te pongas muy tonto
Que pa tonto el amor
con el tiempo se evaporo
lo poco que quedo
Se va, se va
lo que viene se va
Ya ves
tanto rollo pa na
que mas da
Todo llega a su fin
Total son cuatro dias......
Los cuatro son pa mi
Esta noche yo me largo
sin maleta y sin chistar, toma
Y por la carretera
sin mirar atras
Si el sol me despierta
con un nuevo querer
ahora estoy prevenida
sabre lo que hacer
En asuntos del corazon
ya aprendi la leccion
Se va, se va.....(x2)
Te vas como vienes te vas
ya ves
tanto rollo pa na
Que mas da
todo tiene su cruz
total son cuatro dias......