KIB, Kib, or KiB may refer to:
According to the Book of Mormon, the Jaredites (/ˈdʒɛrəˌdaɪts/) are a people who lived in ancient America shortly after the confounding of the languages at the Tower of Babel and are written of principally in the Book of Ether (/ˈiː.θər/). The Linage of the Ether is written in The Book of Ether, chapter 1 verses 6-33. Most individuals are only briefly mentioned in the narrative of the Book of Ether. Each is notable in that he is a descendant of Jared (/ˈdʒɛr.əd/), an ancestor to Ether, and most were also Kings of the Jaredites.
a The Jaredites desired to have a king from Jared and his brother's sons, (Ether 6:22) and would have liked Pagag, the eldest son of the brother of Jared (Ether 6:25) to be king. But he would not and the people were ready to make him regardless of his wishes, but Jared commanded that they not constrain any to be their king. (Ether 6:25) They went through all his brothers’ sons and finally came to the last son of the four of Jared, Orihah (/oʊ.ˈraɪ.hɑː/). He took the throne, making him the first king of the Jaredites. Under him the people prospered and he was purported to be righteous execute justice even after Jared and his brother died, for the rest of his life. (Ether 6:28-30) (Ether 7:1) His had thirty-one children, among which were twenty-three sons. After the death of Orihah his son Kib, born to him in his old age, reigned in his stead. (Ether 7:3) It is through his line that Ether, the last prophet of the Jaredites, was descended, (Ether 1:7-32) thus indicating his royal lineage.
The Japanese Experiment Module (JEM), also known with the nickname Kibo (きぼう Kibō, Hope), is a Japanese science module for the International Space Station (ISS) developed by JAXA. It is the largest single ISS module. The first two pieces of the module were launched on Space Shuttle missions STS-123 and STS-124. The third and final components were launched on STS-127.
Kibō consists of six major elements: 1) Pressurized Module (PM), 2) Exposed Facility (EF), 3) Experiment Logistics Module-Pressurized Section (ELM-PS), 4) Experiment Logistics Module-Exposed Section (ELM-ES), 5) Japanese Experiment Module Remote Manipulator System (JEMRMS), and 6) Inter-orbit Communication System (ICS).
The Pressurized Module (PM) is the core component connected to the port hatch of the Node 2 Module. It is cylindrical in shape and contains twenty-three International Standard Payload Racks (ISPRs), ten of which are dedicated to science experiments while the remaining 13 are dedicated to Kibo’s systems and storage. The racks are placed 6-6-6-5 along the four walls of the module. The end of the JEM-PM has an airlock and two window hatches. The Exposed Facility, Experiment Logistics Module and the Remote Manipulator System all connect to the pressurized module. Kibo is also the location for many of the press conferences that take place on board the station.
you gotta burn that building down i would love to see
that world come crasing down then the people under could
come crawling out see the sun for the first time
it would burn them without a doubt but that burn would feel so good,