Khariboli, also known as Khari Boli or simply Khari, Dehlavi, Kauravi, and Vernacular Hindustani, is the prestige dialect of Hindustani, of which Standard Hindi and Standard Urdu are standard registers and literary styles, which are the principal official languages of India and Pakistan respectively. The term "Khariboli" has, however, been used for any literary dialect, including Braj Bhasa and Awadhi. As a dialect of Hindustani, Khariboli is a part of the Western group of the Central Zone (Hindi Zone) of Indo-Aryan languages. It is spoken mainly in India in the rural area surrounding Delhi, Western Uttar Pradesh, southern Uttarakhand, and Rajasthan.
In academic literature, the term Kauravi (कौरवी) is sometimes applied to the specific Khari dialect spoken in the western parts of the Khari-speaking zone. Although Khariboli and Standard Hindustani differ dialectically, Standard Hindustani is sometimes also referred to as Khariboli and regarded as the literary form of that dialect. First author to write in khari boli was chand bardai.Chand bardai used khari boli in his various poems along with braj and awadhi. Prithvi Raj Rajaso has has multiple stanzas written in khari boli.
Khari is a village development committee in Dhading District in the Bagmati Zone of central Nepal. At the time of the 1991 Nepal census it had a population of 3910 and had 748 houses in it.
Khari or Hari (asomtavruli Ⴤ, nuskhuri ⴤ, mkhedruli ჴ) is the 35th letter of the three Georgian scripts.
In the system of Georgian numerals it has a value of 7000. Now obsolete.
Direction of writing:
Ein Sterbelied Auf Metall
scharfe zungen wie gewetzte klingen
ein scheusal alt, heimtïckisch und kalt
massen im trichter des blutes sich ballend
wenn stahl ist die formulierung einer Tat
erscheinungen mit ringen gefestigt
g�tterschwïrme verblassen im neuen glanz
in finsternis wollen sie zugrunde gehen
wie das von uns nie gesehene gold
in des einen kraft versinkt die freiheit
fïr das fleisch welches unterzugehen vermag
durch die herzen
bohrt sich das sterbelied auf metall
ein ehrgeiziges werk
im schicksal der jahrtausende
kr�nze der hoffnung
streuen verwïstende blïten
leben kïsst den kod mit breitem mund
ein volk am rande der nacht
wenn es brennt
am stahl der einsamkeit
doch trïume erklingen rastlos
vor dem kessel des letzten heizers
ich mensch,
der von der erinnerung singt
...und im schatten