Khandala is a hill station in the Western Ghats in the state of Maharashtra, India, about 3 kilometres (1.9 mi) from Lonavala and 7 kilometres (4.3 mi) from Karjat.
Khandala is located at one (top) end the Bhor Ghat, a major ghat (meaning valley in Marathi) on the road link between the Deccan Plateau and the Konkan plain. The ghat carries an extensive amount of road and rail traffic. The Mumbai-Pune Expressway, the main link between the major cities of Mumbai and Pune, passes through Khandala.
Due to the ease of accessibility from nearby cities, Khandala is a common area for hiking. One destination is the nearby peak of Duke's Nose, which offers a panoramic view of Khandala and the Bhor Ghat.
The route near Khandala sunset point and khopoli has been there since centuries used to connect the coastal cities like Sopara to Pune. The transport from base of khopoli was by carts both hand pulled and horse drawn, which was tarred during British time somewhere in 1840.
The railway route from Karjat to Pune was started under the guidance of Great Indian Peninsula Railway Chief Engineer 1849–1862: James Berkley (surveyor and route designer). The chief Engineer had a bungalow near the current day st Xaviers Villa in Khandala facing towards Duke's nose hill, The construction of the Khandala tunnel was a herculean job as the tunnel had to be bored through basalt. There were four bouts of cholera in Khandala during the construction of the Tunnels and Khandala Railway station, Which is well documented by the paper published by sir James Berkley.
Khandala is a taluka in the Satara district in Maharashtra, India. The Nira River passes through the region. Khandala Taluka is situated on the northern side of Satara district. Khandala, Shirwal and Lonand are large towns in the taluka. Khandala got separated from Wai Taluka along with Mahabaleshwar for easier administration. The Nira River flows from the northern border of the taluka. "VEER" is the largest dam on the Nira River in Khandala. The southern border is covered with "MAHADEVACHE DONGAR", meaning Mahadev Hills.
Khandala is located at (18.03N,74.01E), approximately 55 km south of the city of Pune (Devanagari: पुणे). It has an average elevation of 700 metres (2300 feet). It is surrounded by the mountainous region of the Sahyādris; the boundaries of the taluka (sub-district) called Khandala are as follows—to the east of Khandala are the talukas of Phaltan and Baramati, to the west lies the taluka of Wai and Bhor, the northern border abuts the Purandar Taluka in Pune district and the south border is shared with the Wai and Koregaon. . The headquarters of the taluka of Khandala is the city by the same name, populated by about 7000 people. Khandala is 50 km from Mahabaleshwar, 25 km From Wai, 45 km. from Satara, 55 km. from Pune, 230 km. from Mumbai. Khandala is situated on the PUNE-SATARA Highway (the only 6-lane highway after MUMBAI-PUNE EXPRESS HIGHWAY) part of National Highway 4. Khandala is a major city on the way to hill stations such as Mahabaleshwar and Panchgani from Pune.
Scribere proposui de contemptu mundano
ut degentes seculi non mulcentur in vano
iam est hora surgere
a sompno mortis pravo
a sompno mortis pravo
Vita brevis breviter in brevi finietur
mors venit velociter quae neminem veretur
omnia mors perimit
et nulli miseretur
et nulli miseretur.
Ad mortem festinamus
peccare desistamus
peccare desistamus.
Ni conversus fueris et sicut puer factus
et vitam mutaveris in meliores actus
intrare non poteris
regnum Dei beatus
regnum Dei beatus.
Tuba cum sonuerit dies crit extrema
et iudex advenerit vocabit sempiterna
electos in patria
prescitos ad inferna
prescitos ad inferna.