Famous quotes by Kevin Morgan:
"It (the Labor Day weekend) does really mark the end of summer, especially in my profession. It's back to reality in a few days."
"It was something different today. I've never heard the anthem sung that loud. The noise coming from the crowd at the end was fantastic and dragged us to the end really."
"From a budget standpoint, we had allocated more this year into nontraditional advertising streams, organic searches. We are really putting time online in pulling up Capitals searches and targeting those people. If somebody is doing a search in Washington, D.C., and they type in 'Chinatown,' 'MCI Center,' 'things to do in Washington,' they are going to get Caps advertisements."
"Even when the grouse population is low, there will still be pockets of birds in the better habitat of young aspen, along with creek bottoms of alder and dogwood."
"The acorn crop is really good. Both burr and red oaks have a lot of acorns."
"Hunters said that bears were going off the bait a week ago in favor of acorns."
"We are fishing where the fish are."
"This night and America Supports You is important to the ownership and organization entirely due to the deep respect that we hold for the men, women and families that serve our military. We want to help in any way we can to show gratitude and make these families understand that we do care and our country cares about the men and women that serve."
"In a dry fall, it's best to hit the tag alders in the bottomlands where there's some water."