The Japanese language has many honorifics, parts of speech that show respect, and their use is mandatory in many social situations. Honorifics in Japanese may be used to emphasize social distance or disparity in rank, or to emphasize social intimacy or similarity in rank.
The system of honorifics in Japan is very extensive, including various levels of respectful, humble, and polite speech, and it closely resembles the honorific systems of the Korean language and, in some elements, Chinese. It includes both special vocabulary and special grammatical forms.
Honorific speech is often longer, sometimes much longer, than more direct speech. Some extreme but not uncommon examples include the following.
When asking a question: the first is casually between friends, the second is a junior person asking a superior in a formal meeting:
When asking for cooperation: the first is usual and polite, the latter is very formal, but often found in writing, especially posters or flyers.
Keigo (written: 敬吾, 敬悟, 奎吾, 圭吾, 桂吾, 桂悟, 啓吾, 啓悟 or 慶悟) is a masculine Japanese given name. Notable people with the name include:
Asi lo vivi by G4Eramos amigos nada mas
tu enamorado de alguien mas
y yo tan solo consejera de algo inusual
no esperaba imaginar tanto
no esperaba descubrir
Pero al final así lo viví
pero entendí mejor
Cada dia cada momento era especial
lo entendi mejor que los demas
no esperaba presentir pensé que
estaba mal sentir que al final
regresar de nuevo no quiero expresar
ah ah ah ah
Hubo momentos que quise llorar
y me aguante asi de mas
las lagrimas en tus mejillas
era de una niña
que le arranco ah la soledad
Pero al final así lo viví
pero entendí mejor
Cada dia cada momento era especial
lo entendi mejor que los demas
no esperaba presentir pensé que
estaba mal sentir que al final
regresar de nuevo no quiero expresar
pero al final asi lo vivi