Eureka Seven is an anime series created and produced by Bones and directed by Tomoki Kyoda. The series ran for a total of fifty episodes, as well as a recap special titled "Navigation ray=out", which recaps the first half of the series. The first episode aired in Japan on April 17, 2005, and the final episode on April 2, 2006. The series was later picked up by Adult Swim for the United States market and began airing on April 15, 2006. Adult Swim aired the last episode on April 28, 2007, replacing Eureka's dialogue and the final scene with Axel and the children with the opening and ending themes. On May 6, 2007, they re-aired the episode with the original opening and ending content intact.
Almost all of the series' episode titles correspond to real songs, composed by Japanese or foreign artists. Some of these have been stated to be intentional references (including "Blue Monday"), and other phrases previously only existed as song titles. However, it is unclear whether every episode title is intended as a musical reference.
Keep On Movin' or Keep On Moving may refer to:
"Keep On Movin'" is a song by English boy band Five. It was released on 24 October 1999 as the second single from their second studio album Invincible (1999) and debuted at number one on the UK Singles Chart, becoming their first UK number-one single.
"Keep On Movin'" was the 16th biggest selling boy band single of the 1990s in the UK, selling 421,700 copies. The song has received a Gold sales status certification in the UK. The song also peaked at number two in Italy, number six in Australia, number three in the Netherlands and number six in Belgium.
The official music video was directed by Cameron Casey.
"Keep On Movin'" is a song by British soul/R&B band Soul II Soul. It was the second single released from their debut album Club Classics Vol. One, (Keep On Movin' in the United States) after "Fairplay". It is one of two songs on the album that features British R&B singer Caron Wheeler (the other being "Back to Life (However Do You Want Me)") and it became one of Soul II Soul's most successful songs. It reached number five on the UK Singles Chart upon its release in March 1989 and number 11 on the US Billboard Hot 100, and was even more successful on Billboard's R&B charts, where it hit number one.
In October 1996, the song re-entered the UK Singles Chart at number 31, minus the sleeve credit to Caron Wheeler, after its use in an episode of the highly popular series of Papa & Nicole commercials for the Renault Clio car on British television.
In October 2004, "Keep On Movin'" appeared in the popular video game Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, playing on fictional new jack swing radio station CSR 103.9.