Kebek (died 1325/1326) was khan of the Chagatai Khanate from 1309 until 1310, and again from c. 1318 until his death.
Kebek was the son of Duwa, who was khan from 1282 until 1307. During his father's reign Kebek participated in the Mongol invasions of India, leading a punitive expedition against the Sultanate of Delhi in 1305 in retaliation for the destruction of a Mongol army the previous year. He devastated the Punjab region, especially around Multan, but on the return journey his army was attacked on the banks of the Indus River by a force sent from Delhi and suffered a high number of losses (Battle of Amroha). This was one of the last Chagatayid campaigns against India to take place before a temporary cessation of the Mongol raids (1307−1327, when they were resumed under Khan Tarmashirin).
The situation in the Chagatai Khanate following the death of Duwa in 1307 turned volatile, with two of his successors reigning within one year and with the sons of Kaidu still hoping to regain control over the khans. By 1308 Taliqu was in charge of the khanate but his rule was quickly contested. His enemies rallied among Kebek, and they defeated and overthrew Taliqu in 1308 or 1309. As a result, Kebek became khan of the ulus.
Me dices que
a llegado el momento
de terminar lo nuestro
y te vas a marchar
Y aclaras que
como pasa en un cuento
siempre existe un principio
luego llega el final
Me dices que
es mejor que sigamos
cada quien por su lado
que me busque otro amor
Que asi es mejor
que para ti es perfecto
que se acabo aquel cuento
que digamos adios
Que poca, marcharte
sin sentir remordimiento
causarme un gran dolor
y un cruel tormento
al dar punto final
a nuestra historia
Que poca, me pides
que nomas seamos amigos
se me hace que te fallan
los sentidos, que poca
pena tienes al pedirlo
Me dices que
es mejor que sigamos
cada quien por su lado
que me busque otro amor
Que asi es mejor
que para ti es perfecto
que se acabo aquel cuento
que digamos adios
Que poca, marcharte
sin sentir remordimiento
causarme un gran dolor
y un cruel tormento
al dar punto final
a nuestra historia
Que poca, me pides
que nomas seamos amigos
se me hace que te fallan
los sentidos, que poca
madre tienes al pedirlo