Kayan may refer to:
The Kayan are a sub-group of Red Karen (Karenni people), Tibeto-Burman ethnic minority of Myanmar (Burma). The Kayan consists of the following groups: Kayan Lahwi (also called Padaung, ပဒေါင် [bədàʊɴ]), Kayan Ka Khaung (Gekho), Kayan Lahta, Kayan Ka Ngan. Kayan Gebar, Kayan Kakhi and, sometimes, Bwe people (Kayaw).
Padaung (Yan Pa Doung) is a Shan term for the Kayan Lahwi (the group in which women wear the brass neck coils). The Kayan residents in Mae Hong Son Province in Northern Thailand refer to themselves as Kayan and object to being called Padaung. In The Hardy Padaungs (1967) Khin Maung Nyunt, one of the first authors to use the term "Kayan", says that the Padaung prefer to be called Kayan. On the other hand, Pascal Khoo Thwe calls his people Padaung in his 2002 memoir, From the Land of Green Ghosts: A Burmese Odyssey.
In the late 1980s and early 1990s due to conflict with the military regime in Myanmar, many Kayan tribes fled to the Thai border area. Among the refugee camps set up there was a Long Neck section, which became a tourist site, self-sufficient on tourist revenue and not needing financial assistance.
Being an indigenous tribe in central Borneo, the Kayan people are similar to their neighbours, the Kenyah tribe, with which they are grouped together under the Bahau ethnic group.
The population of the Kayan ethnic group may be some 27,000. They are part of a larger grouping of people referred to collectively as the Orang Ulu, or upriver people. Like some other Dayak people they are known for being fierce warriors, former headhunters, adept in dry-rice cultivation, and having extensive tattoos and stretched earlobes amongst both sexes.
They may have originated from along the Kayan river in the North Kalimantan province of Borneo. They live along the upper Kayan and the middle Kapuas and Mahakam rivers. They seem to have expanded to the south in Sarawak in historic times, generating some conflicts with the Iban that were expanding north at the same time. They have settled in Sarawak on the middle Baram River, the Bintulu River and along the Rajang River, having been pressed back a little during the late 19th century. In 1863 West Kalimantan, Iban people migrated to the upstreams of Saribas River and Rejang River and started to attack the Kayan people in those areas and continued doing so northwards and later eastwards. Wars and headhunting attacks have caused many other tribes to be displaced, including the Kayan people, who make up of 1.4% of the West Kutai Regency population. Significant expansion to the east Borneo also occurred during the historical times, the conversion of the Kayan tribe to Islam forming the ethnogenesis of the Bulungan people.
(Album: The Game, 1980)
Hey hey hey
No I'll never look back in anger
No I'll never find me an answer
You promised me, you'd keep in touch
I read your letter and it hurt me so much
I said I'd never, never be angry with you
I don't wanna feel like a stranger (no)
'Cos I'd rather stay out of danger
I read your letter so many times
I got your meaning between the lines
I said I'd never, never be angry with you
I must be strong so she won't know how much I miss her
I only hope as time goes on I'll forget her
My body's aching, can't sleep at night
I'm too exhausted to start a fight
And if I see her with another guy
I'll eat my heart out 'cos I love, love, love, love her
Come on baby, let's get together
I'll love you baby, I'll love you forever
I'm trying hard to stay away
What made you change, what did I say ?
Ooh I need your loving tonight
Ooh I need your loving
Ooh I need your loving
Ooh I need your loving babe tonight (Hit me)
Ooh I need your loving tonight
No I'll never look back in anger
No I'll never find me an answer
Gave me no warning, how could I guess
I'll have to learn to forgive and forget
Ooh I need your loving
Ooh I need your loving