Kauniainen (Finnish pronunciation: [ˈkɑuniˌɑinen]; Swedish: Grankulla) is a small town and a municipality of 9,258 inhabitants (30 June 2015) in the Helsinki Metropolitan Area, Finland. It is surrounded by the City of Espoo, in Greater Helsinki. Kauniainen was founded by a corporation in 1906, AB Grankulla, that parcelled land and created a suburb for villas; Kauniainen received the status of a market town in 1920, the Finnish name in 1949, and the title of kaupunki ("city, town") in 1972.
The local taxation rate in Kauniainen is the lowest in Finland (16.5%), which makes the city attractive to the highest earners. This in turn makes the average income generally high, making it possible to keep the taxation rate low without compromising the service to the inhabitants.
Approximately 7,001,580,000,000,000,000♠58% of the population have Finnish as their mother tongue while 7,001,380,000,000,000,000♠38% are Swedish speakers. The dominant party in the city council has traditionally been the Swedish People's Party.
Esaiozu euriari berriz, ez jauzteko
Esan bakardadeari gaur ez etortzeko.
Na na na na na na na na
Na na na na na na na na.
Eusten nauen soka zara ta itotzen nauena
Ametsak sortu zizkidana galtzen dituena.
Na na na na na na na na
Na na na na na na na na
Zuretzat ilargia lapurtuko nuke gauero,
Eta zu itsu zaude bere argia ikusteko,
Irrifarrez, gero minez eragin didazu negarra,
Nire sua itzali da,
Ez zara gaueko izar bakarra, ez zara!!
Esan sentitzen dudana ez dela egia
Une baten sinisteko ez garen guztia.
Na na na na na na na na
Na na na na na na na na
Zuretzat ilargia lapurtuko nuke gauero,
Eta zu itsu zaude bere argia ikusteko,
Irrifarrez, gero minez eragin didazu negarra
Nire sua itzali da,
Ez zara gaueko izar bakarra, ez zara!!
Na na na na na na na na