Paxinou appeared in a few more Hollywood films, before returning to Greece in the early 1950s. She then focused on her stage career and appeared in European films. She died in 1973, after a long-term battle with cancer.
Early life
Paxinou was born Aikaterini Konstantopoulou (Αικατερίνη Κωνσταντοπούλου) in Piraeus, Greece, she trained as an opera singer at the Conservatoire de Musique de Genève and later in Berlin and Vienna. According to her biography in Playbill (1942), Paxinou was disowned by her family after she decided to seek a permanent stage career.
Credit. Sreejithk2000/Wikimedia Commons/ ... The ten most influential Greek women ... Credit ... KatinaPaxinou Katina Paxinou stunned audiences with her incredible acting performances, winning an Academy Award in 1943 ... Katina Paxinou was a film and stage actress.