Katie Taylor (born 2 July 1986) is an Irish athlete who specialises in boxing. Boxing and training with the Irish Amateur Boxing Association, she is the current Irish, European, World and Olympic Champion in the 60 kg division. Hugely popular in Ireland, she is credited with raising the profile of women's boxing at home and abroad. She has represented the Republic of Ireland in association football, and also played Gaelic football. Regarded as the outstanding Irish athlete of her generation, she was the flag bearer for Ireland at the 2012 Summer Olympics opening ceremony in London, later boxing her way to an Olympic gold medal in the lightweight division. Taylor was named Sportsperson of the Year at the 2012 People of the Year Awards in September 2012.
Taylor studied from 1999 until 2005 at St. Kilian's Community School in Bray, County Wicklow. Katie was an academic, capable student by any standards and her high Leaving Cert points reflected that. Her two older brothers, Peter and Lee, and older sister, Sarah, also attended St. Kilian's. Taylor still lives in Bray. She is a born again Christian and attends St. Mark's Church on Pearse Street, Dublin. She is the youngest in her family. Her mother's name is Bridget Taylor and her father's name is Peter Taylor. Katie also has a fondness for the Irish language and appeared on Bernard Dunne's TV program ' Bród Club ' promoting Irish.
Yes, Jesus loves me
Yes, Jesus loves me
Yes, Jesus loves me
Yes, Jesus loves me
And I'm so glad, at Calvary he showed me how much so, repeat
Repeat chorus choir 2
Now rally the one would die for the righteous , Oh Lord a for a good man you would defend. ( thank you Lord) But God proved his love, he proved his love for us Oh yes he did, when he died when I was yet in my sin ( Hallelujah)
He was wounded wounded for my transgressions thank you Lord Jesus
He was bruised bruised for my inequities,
Not because, not because I've been so good or righteous. no,no,no,no
But because he loves you, he loves you and need------------I can stand before you and say yes, yes, yes,
Repeat chorus choir
You need to tell Jesus thank you, He gave his life, he showed me how much so
At Calvary
Repeat Calvary, Calvary, Calvary, Calvary, Calvary
Chorus 2
They hung him high, (Calvary) They stretch him wide, (Calvary) He hung his head, (Calvary) For me he died, (Calvary) it was on a hill, (Calvary) far away, (Calvary) on that old (Calvary) rugged cross. (Calvary) He would not (Calvary) come down from the cross(Calvary) just to save himself, (Calvary) He loved us, (Calvary) thank you Lord, (Calvary) thank you Lord (Calvary), you outta tell him thank ya, (Calvary) you outta tell him thank ya, (Calvary) They whip my Jesus(Calvary) all night long, (Calvary) he hung his head, (Calvary) Hallelujah, At Calvary he showed me how much so, he loved me, he loved me, at Calvary he showed me how much so Thank you, Jesus, Thank you Jesus, Thank you Jesus, At Calvary he showed me how much so, he loved me, he loved me