Kasukabe (春日部市, Kasukabe-shi) is a city in eastern Saitama Prefecture, Japan, approximately 30 kilometers (19 mi) north of Tokyo. It was formerly located in Kitakatsushika and Minamisaitama Districts. Kasukabe once prospered as part of the Nikkō Kaidō highway, an important trade route that linked Edo with Nikkō.
The city was founded on July 1, 1954 and its mayor is Ryozo Ishikawa.
On October 1, 2005, Kasukabe City absorbed the town of Shōwa (from Kitakatsushika District) to create the current and expanded Kasukabe City.
Kasukabe is famous for the production of kiri-tansu (桐箪笥), traditional dressers made from paulownia wood. The cultural and economic value of the paulownia is reflected in its designation as the official town tree. The city's official flower is the wisteria.
Kasukabe is also well known in Japan as the setting of the manga and anime series Lucky Star and Crayon Shin-chan. Shin-chan's creator Yoshito Usui also lived in Kasukabe.
The public entrance to the Metropolitan Area Outer Underground Discharge Channel is located here. Also known as G-CANs, this huge underground flood control system was completed in 2009. The monumental main storage chamber, sometimes called the "underground temple", has been the setting for TV shows and commercials. It is open to tours.
dige in ghozake pa yari raftan nadre
labaye khoshkidam harfi base goftan nadare
cheshmaye hamishe geryon akhe shostan nadare
tane sardam dige jaie base khoftan nadare
dige in ghozak pa yari raftan nadare
labaye khoshkidam harfi base goftan nadare
mihkam az daste to az panjere faryad bekesham
tame bi to bodan ro az labe sardet bechesham
notfeye past didanet ro to ye sinam bekosham
mesle saye pa be pat man to ro hamram nakesham
dige in ghozake pa yari raftan nadare
labaye khoshkidam harfi base goftan nadare
bezar man tanha basham mihkam ke tanha bemiram
beramo gosheye tanhaie ghorbat begiram
man ye omrist asiram zire zanjire ghamet
dast o pam gharghe be khon shod dige baste mondanet
dige in ghozake pa yari raftan nadare
labaye khoshkidam harfi base goftan nadare
dige in ghozake pam yariye raftan nadare
the end