Karst topography is a landscape formed from the dissolution of soluble rocks such as limestone, dolomite, and gypsum. It is characterized by underground drainage systems with sinkholes, dolines, and caves. It has also been documented for weathering-resistant rocks, such as quartzite, given the right conditions. Subterranean drainage may limit surface water with few to no rivers or lakes. However, in regions where the dissolved bedrock is covered (perhaps by debris) or confined by one or more superimposed non-soluble rock strata, distinctive karst surface developments might be totally missing.
The English word karst was borrowed from German Karst in the late 19th century. The German word came into use before the 19th century. According to the prevalent interpretation, the term is derived from the German name for the Kras region (Italian: Carso), a limestone plateau surrounding the city of Trieste in the northern Adriatic (nowadays, located on the border between Slovenia and Italy, in the 19th century part of the Austrian Littoral). Scholars disagree, however, on whether the German word (which shows no metathesis) was borrowed from Slovene. The Slovene common noun kras was first attested in the 18th century, and the adjective form kraški in the 16th century. As a proper noun, the Slovene form Grast was first attested in 1177, referring to the Karst Plateau—a region in Slovenia partially extending into Italy, where the first research on karst topography was carried out. The Slovene words arose through metathesis from the reconstructed form *korsъ, borrowed from Dalmatian Romance carsus. Ultimately, the word is of Mediterranean origin, believed to derive from some Romanized Illyrian base. It has been suggested that the word may derive from the Proto-Indo-European root karra- "rock". The name may also be connected to the oronym Kar(u)sádios oros cited by Ptolemy, and perhaps also to Latin Carusardius.
What's that symbol above the oven
Beaming it's malice to all that we shove in
In the War Party we ake every side
United as one until everyone dies
Symbol of hatred, symbol of fear
The Krosstika proclaims our cause
Luring the humans with blood, sex, and beer
Don't worry, we take queers
The hour is nigh
Let the Krosstika fly
Let now the symbol define you
With a wave of raw hate
The Krosstika takes
The symbol is there to remind you
So we hold our rallies and give out free crack
Then we give guns to the poor
Our staffers are making obscene phone calls right now
Soon they wil kick down your door
Slaughter your family and then break for lunch
There's not a pair of dry pants in the bunch
The Swastika and the Bloody Old Cross
Two great hates that hate great together
I say to slay all and have not a care
I demand pillows stuffed with hair
The death of all humans on your world today
Specicide--a new word to say
Symbol of hatred, symbol of fear
The Krosstika proclaims our cause
Luring the humans with blood, sex, and beer
Sending them into the maw
It inspires you to kill
And even if you don't, then you know that it will
Slaking this thirst we'll kill billions or more
Slaves to eternal war
The Krosstika has one purpose
It was designed to enslave you
They were designed to inflame you
There is no lie to the flag that we fly
We don't pretend it can save you
We offer you death but a good one at that
It's only your life, after all
Two great hates that hate great together
Answer the Krosstika's call
The hour is nigh
Let the krosstika fly
Let now the symbol define you
With a wave of raw hate
The Krosstika takes
The symbol is there to remind you