The Karnak Temple Complex, commonly known as Karnak (/ˈkɑːr.næk/), comprises a vast mix of decayed temples, chapels, pylons, and other buildings. Building at the complex began during the reign of Senusret I in the Middle Kingdom and continued into the Ptolemaic period, although most of the extant buildings date from the New Kingdom. The area around Karnak was the ancient Egyptian Ipet-isut ("The Most Selected of Places") and the main place of worship of the eighteenth dynasty Theban Triad with the god Amun as its head. It is part of the monumental city of Thebes. The Karnak complex gives its name to the nearby, and partly surrounded, modern village of El-Karnak, 2.5 kilometres (1.6 miles) north of Luxor.
The complex is a vast open-air museum, and the second largest ancient religious site in the world, after the Angkor Wat Temple of Cambodia. It is believed to be the second most visited historical site in Egypt; only the Giza Pyramids near Cairo receive more visits. It consists of four main parts, of which only the largest is currently open to the general public. The term Karnak often is understood as being the Precinct of Amun-Ra only, because this is the only part most visitors see. The three other parts, the Precinct of Mut, the Precinct of Montu, and the dismantled Temple of Amenhotep IV, are closed to the public. There also are a few smaller temples and sanctuaries connecting the Precinct of Mut, the Precinct of Amun-Re, and the Luxor Temple.
Karnak is a fictional superhero appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics. He was created by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby and debuted in Fantastic Four (vol. 1) #45 (1965) along with other members of the Inhuman Royal Family.
The character was never exposed to the Terrigen Mists, so never developed additional powers like other Inhumans, but he is a martial artist who can find the weakness in anything and then use his training and strength to exploit it. Although the Jack Kirby Collector described him as "a philosophical karate expert with nominal personality" in 2004, subsequent writers have made use of his skill for puzzle-solving and strategic-planning in Inhumans' stories, leading to him being given his first solo series in 2015.
Karnak first appeared in Fantastic Four (vol. 1) #45, and was created by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby, as part of their run on the title that helped lay the foundations for the Marvel Universe.
As a core member of the Inhumans, he has appeared in the group's own series over the years, including the 1998 Inhumans twelve-issue limited series by Paul Jenkins and Jae Lee, the Silent War mini-series by David Hine and Frazer Irving in 2007, and Secret Invasion: Inhumans in the following year.
Death on the Nile is a work of detective fiction by Agatha Christie and first published in the UK by the Collins Crime Club on 1 November 1937 and in the US by Dodd, Mead and Company the following year. The UK edition retailed at seven shillings and sixpence (7/6) and the US edition at $2.00.
The book features the Belgian detective Hercule Poirot. The action takes place in Egypt, mostly on the Nile River.
While dining out in London one evening, Hercule Poirot sees a young woman, Jacqueline de Bellefort ("Jackie"), dining and dancing with her fiancé, Simon Doyle. He also notices that Jackie is passionately in love with Simon, perhaps too much. Jackie's father was a French Count, the Count de Bellefort, and her mother was American. Her father had an affair and ultimately ran away with his mistress. Her mother lost all her money in the Wall Street Crash, leaving Jackie penniless. The next day, Jacqueline takes Simon to meet her best friend, wealthy heiress Linnet Ridgeway, in the hopes that Linnet will offer Simon a job. Three months later, Simon has broken off his engagement to Jacqueline and has married Linnet instead.
Ovo je vek medija, pa se mudar ovek nervira
Jer se ovde preferira samo ono što se servira.
Vi niste ljudi, ve serija kvazi robota
Pravih robova, a mediji kažu da si slobodan?
Baš si pogodan za sve oblike manipulacije
Dok vi trendujete, ja branim duh nacije
Krang pravi zvuk akcije, batice besnim zbog Granda
Pesnikog škarta, farme I velikog brata.
Ovce iz stada - vi ste žrtve iste taktike
Nosite iste patike, bodrite iste laike
Volite iste navike, vodite iste abrove
Imate iste strahove, praznite iste rafove
Pratite iste stavove, hvalite iste škartove
Pravite iste planove, imate iste dukseve
Dame iste bruseve, itaju iste kurseve
Slikaju iste luzere, primaju iste kureve.
Uvee uvuete bulje u iste farmerke...
Zbog iste namere, oI vam bulje u iste frajere.
Žene manje više vode iste prazne prie
Imaju iste ravne šIške I iste glatke pike.
Mediji vas ue šta je dobro a šta zlo,
Mediji vas ue šta je tuga a šta bol.
Mediju vas ue svemu,
Zdrava svest za pravu cenu.
Sve vas vole mediji,
Za vas I vama mediji.
TV ih zatupi pa ih muI vazdušni sindrom
Pa su za jadnike air max patike statusni simbol
Pritom, I vi u frci s kintom pratite modu
Najku pravite lovu jer skupo platite robu.
Shvatite foru. svuda kopije silnih zvezda
Svako bi da oseti miris keša, izgleda ko MTV gengsta.
Ti si smešan, sve što ti piješ su batine
Pa priviaš viski, kurve, kilo platine.
Sinko žalim te, pratite vaše krimi mentore
MTV trendove, Wejnove, Westove, Fifti centove
Kad vam vidim tekstove hvata me melanholija
Setim se pesama koje pisah sa sedam godina.
Svako je bleda kopija, krvopija, scena sarkazma
Ironije u balkanskom repu uopšte nema Balkana.
Jebena farma, zvezde granda, to gleda cela nacija
Retardi se smeju retardima borio bih se al nema naina.
U srednjem veku inkvizitori danas mediji vešaju
Oni ubeuju svet u ono što veliki spremaju.
Nama smeštaju, teraju proces globalizacije
Koji treba da pogazi nacije, odstrani razlike,
Postavi navike, pa se ne pije ništa sem kole I fante
Ne sluša ništa sem lejdi Gage, nose levis I najke,
Fensi marke, niko ne želi da bude otpadnik
Ne umem da budem podanik, deo kulture bogatih.
ujes, odrasti. Shvati, nije ti krek slistio pamet
Sve dok svako misli izgleda I živi k'o amer,
Oni e Ii po pare mi u steaj, brate ispaše
Da mi finansiramo njihove nove ratne igrake.
Budale klicae, na svaku bajku pristae
Kako da u klancu istraješ kad si zadnja karika u lancu ishrane?
I kad su predatori siti nastavie sa borbama
U znak zahvalnosti od srca nagradie nas bombama.