Famous quotes by Karl Rove:
"As people do better, they start voting like Republicans - unless they have too much education and vote Democratic, which proves there can be too much of a good thing"
"Conservatives saw the savagery of 9/11 in the attacks and prepared for war; liberals saw the savagery of the 9/11 attacks and wanted to prepare indictments and offer therapy and understanding for our attackers, Democrats Demand Rove Apologize for 9/11 Remarks."
"Somebody gets to be smart and somebody gets to be dumb. If we win, it'll be because of the president. And if we lose, it'll be because of me."
"I don't know about you, but moderation and restraint is not what I felt when I watched the twin towers crumble to the ground, a side of the Pentagon destroyed, and almost 3,000 of our fellow citizens perish in flames and rubble."
"Come on, everybody. Go Howard Dean!"
"At the core, we are dealing with two parties that have fundamentally different views of the world."
"[From reading between the lines on the story, it sounds like Rove was doing what he's advised candidates to do for years: when under attack, push back. Joe Wilson hit the Bush administration and they struck back. What if Joe Wilson's wife worked at HUD and got Wilson a trip to Detroit, and then Wilson wrote an op-ed piece about how the Bush policies undercut the auto-industry.] Ingrate, ... His wife got him that gig. And besides he got it all wrong about the auto industry."
"Cindy Sheehan is a clown. There is no real antiwar movement. No serious politician, with anything to do with anything, would show his face at an antiwar rally."
"[Bush's top aides debated whether to keep the President above the fray during the midterms--] to protect him, ... As far as Bush was concerned, the real risk would have been to sit on his hands when he had the opportunity to make the difference in some very close races. He and Karl were completely in synch."
"I don't see Dick Cheney's leadership in running a construction and oil service company to be a problem at all when compared to this administration's failure to have a comprehensive energy policy,"
"Well, marriage is a very important part of our culture and our society. If we want to have a hopeful and decent society, we ought to aim for the ideal."
"The world is a better place with Saddam Hussein gone."