Rotter Karakán

The Rotter Karakán or just the Karakán was a high performance Hungarian single seat sailplane. Two were built and set many national gliding records in the years before World War II.


Like several other glider designers of the early 1930s, Lajos Rotter was impressed by Alexander Lippisch's Wien of 1929 and his high performance, single seat Karakán bears its influence. Like the Wien, the Karakán was a high aspect ratio sailplane with a two-piece high wing with a rectangular plan centre section and long, straight tapered outer panels. Both had thick section wings at the root which became progressively thinner over the outer panels. On both designs, ailerons occupied the whole trailing edge of these outer panels. Structurally, the wings were similar, with two spars of unequal strength; the forward spar beams were part of plywood covered D-boxes around the leading edges and the rear spar was a lighter simple beam. The wings were fabric covered behind the main spar, as were the ailerons. Both designs had, on each side, an airfoil-faired V-form strut from the lower fuselage to the outer ends of the centre section, the forward member of the V, connected to the main spar, was more substantial than the rear.



Silencioso Amor

by: Kraken

Me tomas o dejas,
Me daña tu juego insensible,
Y ruego que quieras hablar más nada me dices,
Mis manos hoy tiemblan,
Y muerdo palabras que solo te piden
Que cambies la espera de amor imposible,
Tú, que encuentras en mi calor
Tú, que tomas de mi lo mejor,
Tú, escúchame por favor
Silencioso amor, no rompas mi corazón.
Amor que trasciendes,
Horarios de estrellas por mágicas sendas
Amor insensible
Escucha y no olvides.
Tú, que encuentras en mi calor
Tú, que tomas de mi lo mejor,
Tú, escúchame por favor
Silencioso amor, no rompas mi corazón
Tú, escúchame por favor,
