Kara-Balta ('black ax', Russian/Kyrgyz: Кара-Балта) is a city and municipality on the Kara-Balta River, in Chuy Province, Kyrgyzstan, the capital of Jaiyl District. It was founded in 1825 under the Kokand Khanate, and received city status in 1975 under the Soviets. Its city population was officially 37,834 in the 2009 census. The municipality had a population of 54,200 according to the Soviet 1989 census.
Kara-Balta is located on the northern slopes of the Kyrgyz Ala-Too, in the western part of Chuy Province, 62 km west of the capital of Bishkek. The road continues west through Kaindy toward Taraz, Kazakhstan. Another road goes south through the Töö-Ashuu Pass and then splits, one branch going west to Talas Province and the other south and then east through the Suusamyr valley to Balykchy on Lake Issyk Kul. It has a temperate climate. The terrain is flat, with a slight slope downwards from the south to the north.
The Chuy Valley has been settled since the Fifth Century, but after the invasion by Genghis Khan the area was inhabited mostly by nomads and pastoralists. However, the settlement became a town and flourished under the Khanate of Kokand.
Qui te soignera
Qui te guérira
Ta cassure est grande comme la mer
Ils claquent des paumes contre toi
Ils t'ont volé ton intégrité
Ils fendent leur bouche contre toi
Ta blessure est large comme le ciel
Ils brisent chacun de mes enfants
Ils ont passé ton fils à l'épée
Ils tuent tous ceux que tu as choyés
Ta brisure est grosse comme la Terre
Ils cassent chacune de tes forteresses
Ils ont détruit tous ceux qui t'aimaient
Ils brisent le reste de ta vie
Tu souffres d'une peine de corps
Ils mettent tes amours en lambeaux
Ils ont monté la mort contre toi
Ils cassent les fibres de ta tête
Ô Reine! Verse un torrent de pleurs
Nuit et jour ne te donnent nul répit
Pleure à fond le chagrin qu'ils te font
Ne fige pas le fond de ton oeil