Kalma may refer to:
Stala & SO. formerly just SO. is a Finnish glam rock band, formed in 1997. In 2011, the group participated unsuccessfully in the Finnish Eurovision Song Contest selection for the Finnish entry with their song "Pamela". On February 16, 2011, they released their first studio album called It Is So..
The band is known for melodic rock tunes and professional musicianship. The band is fronted by its lead singer, Stala, who's best known as the former drummer of Lordi.
The 1970s and 1980s glam rock bands Slade, T-Rex and David Bowie are a few of their inspirations. The band's live performances and music, written by Stala and the other band members, have entertained audiences while gathering a lot of fans. The late Finnish comedian, Spede Pasanen, said: "The main thing is to have FUN!" This has been and continues to be the guideline for Stala & So. as well.
In 2010, they changed the name to Stala & So. The band has written, recorded and produced its album themselves. The first promotional single, "Everything For Money", from the upcoming album was released on 12 November 2010 to all the major radio stations in Finland.
Kalma is the Finnish goddess of death and decay, her name meaning "The Stench of Corpses". Her favorite places to linger are graveyards and cemeteries; in fact, one Finnish word for graveyard is kalmisto, derived from her name. Some sources state that she moves on a vehicle of odors, much like a puff of smoke.
Her father is Tuoni and her mother Tuonetar. Kalma may also have several sisters, Kipu-Tyttö, Kivutar, Loviatar, and Vammatar, all of whom live in the Finnish underworld realm of Tuonela. Kalma is accompanied and protected by Surma, a dog-like creature whose name literally means death" (though the word "surma" is usually used to refer to someone being killed, as opposed to dying of natural causes)'.
Their stories are recited in the Finnish national epic Kalevala.
A child was born into this world
With great emotion he was loved
The evil seed slept in his body
Spreading it's roots before the glory
The hell was risen when he was twelve
The squeeze of the trigger was a move he did well
So he killed his parents killed his friends
With black spirit he filled himself
Soon he was taken in custody
But the inner seed was so well-rooted
He needed more the evil doer
With terminal intensity operation was made
His ties were broken and the doors opened
With terminal intensity and hardened heart
Now walking among us a voice in his head
He has an agenda a secret mission
Taking orders from higher levels
Fighting a battle for you and me
So we can live in our world of dreams
Tottering on the edge of the grave
Facing violence every day
Causes the new set of priorities
Kills with a pleasure every day
And the hindbrain behind will be safe
From the extra people to play his game
Wrapping himself up in mystery
With terminal intensity the plan was made
But there is no control in evils way
With terminal intensity all hell´s breaking loose
No-one can control how evil moves
Unestrained anger deep inside
Turns himself against the person of high
But will be killed in the name of law