Kalamay, also spelled Calamay which means "sugar", is a sticky sweet delicacy that is popular in many regions of the Philippines. It is made of coconut milk, brown sugar, and ground glutinous rice. They can also be flavored with margarine, peanut butter, or vanilla. Kalamay can be eaten alone but is usually used as a sweetener for a number of Filipino desserts and beverages. It is similar to the Chinese Nian gao (also known as tikoy in the Philippines) but is sweeter and more viscous.
Kalamay is made by extracting coconut milk from grated coconuts twice. Glutinous rice is added to the first batch of coconut milk and the mixture is ground into a paste. Brown sugar is added to the second batch of coconut milk and boiled for several hours to make latík. The mixture of ground glutinous rice and coconut milk is then poured into the latík and stirred until the consistency becomes very thick. It can be served hot or at room temperature especially when eaten with other dishes. Viscous Kalamay are often served cooled to make it less runny and easier to eat.
A child was born into this world
With great emotion he was loved
The evil seed slept in his body
Spreading it's roots before the glory
The hell was risen when he was twelve
The squeeze of the trigger was a move he did well
So he killed his parents killed his friends
With black spirit he filled himself
Soon he was taken in custody
But the inner seed was so well-rooted
He needed more the evil doer
With terminal intensity operation was made
His ties were broken and the doors opened
With terminal intensity and hardened heart
Now walking among us a voice in his head
He has an agenda a secret mission
Taking orders from higher levels
Fighting a battle for you and me
So we can live in our world of dreams
Tottering on the edge of the grave
Facing violence every day
Causes the new set of priorities
Kills with a pleasure every day
And the hindbrain behind will be safe
From the extra people to play his game
Wrapping himself up in mystery
With terminal intensity the plan was made
But there is no control in evils way
With terminal intensity all hell´s breaking loose
No-one can control how evil moves
Unestrained anger deep inside
Turns himself against the person of high
But will be killed in the name of law