Kai Khosrow or Kay Khosrow (Persian: کیخسرو) is a legendary king of the Kayanian dynasty and a character in the Persian epic book, Shahnameh. He was the son of the Iranian prince Siavash who married princess Farangis of Turan while in exile. Before Kai Khosrow was born, his father was murdered in Turan by his maternal grandfather Afrasiab. Kai Khosrow was trained as a child in the desert by Piran, the wise vizier of Afrasiab. His paternal grandfather was Kay Kāvus, the legendary Shah of Greater Iran who chose him as his heir when he returned to Iran with his mother. The name Kai Khosrow derives from Avestan Kavi Husravah, meaning "famous".
After a battle between Iran and Turan to avenge Siavash, Iran gained a decisive victory and Afrasiab was killed by Rostam. Kai Khosrow became king and reigned over Iran for about 60 years, a legendary period of enlightenment. He was known as the righteous king, who is also praised in the Avesta. The Gharar al-seyar by Tha'alebi Marghani, written in Arabic in the 10th century, describes how Kai Khosrow's reign removed the darkness from Iran, making him loved by his subjects. The Shahnameh also mentions Kai Khosrow as a legendary king of his time, in a similar way that Cyrus II of Persia was described, such as his respect for other religions and peoples, his civility, righteousness and dedication to the restoration of temples.
The Old Lamplighter
Kay Kyser
He made the night a little brighter, wherever he would go;
The old lamplighter of long, long ago.
His snowy hair was so much whiter beneath the lantern glow,
The old lamplighter of long, long ago.
If there were sweethearts in the park, he'd pass a light and leave it
dark, His smile would hide a broken heart, you see. For he recalls when
days were new, he loved someone who loved him too, Who walks along with
him in memory.
He made the night a little brighter, wherever he would go,
The old lamplighter of long, long ago.