Priests at the Sigd in Jerusalem, 2011.

Kahen (Ge'ez: ካሀን - "priest"; plural ካሀንት - Kahenat)[1] is a religious role in Beta Israel second only to the monk. Their duty is to maintain and preserve the Haymanot among the people. This has become more difficult by the people's encounter with the modernity of Israel, where most of the Ethiopian Jewish people now live.

The Liqa Kahenat (ሊቀ ካሀንት - "High priest"; plural ሊቃነ ካህናት - Liqana Kahenat) is the leader of the priests in a certain area.

An aspiring Kahen must spend time studying as a debtera before being ordained. As a debtera, he will be closer to the laypeople and serve as an intermediary between them and the clergy. Upon becoming a Kahen, he will no longer perform the services of a debtera, though he make take them up again if he gives up his position or is deposed.[2]

The term Qesis (Ge'ez: ቀሲሰ, Amharic: ቀሰ - Qes; Tigrinya: ቀሺ - Qeshi[3] which refers to married priest in the Ethiopian and Eritrean Orthodox Churchs became among the people and over the time a synonym with Kahen, an unmarried priest.[4] This synonym entered into Beta Israel and the term began to describe the community Kahen.[2] With the Aliyah of Beta Israel to Israel the Amharic word for Qesis "Qes" Hebraized to Kes (Hebrew: קס or קייס ;plural: קסים or קייסים - Kessim).


Notable priests [link]

  • Liqa Kahenat Berhan Baruch (1910–1984) - main leader of the Beta Israel from the Italian occupation until his death.
  • Liqa Kahenat Isaac Yaso (1892-1997) - main leader of the Jews in Tigray.
  • Liqa Kahenat Raphael Hadane (born August 12, 1923) - religious leader of the Jews in Ambover.

See also [link]

Gallery [link]

References [link]

  1. ^ Wolf Leslau, "kāhən" in Comparative Dictionary of Geʻez (Classical Ethiopic): Geʻez-English, English-Geʻez, with an index of the Semitic roots, Otto Harrassowitz Verlag, 1987, ISBN 978-3-447-02592-8, p. 278
  2. ^ a b Isaac Greenfield, "The Debtera and the education among Ethiopian Jewry until the arrival of Dr. Faitlovitch" in Menachem Waldman (ed.), Studies in the History of Ethiopian Jews, Habermann Institute for Literary Research, 2011, pp. 109-135 (Hebrew)
  3. ^ plural, Ge'ez: Qesawast ,Tigrinya: Qesawasti, Amharic: Qesoch
  4. ^ Emmanuel Fritsch, "Qäsis" in Siegbert Uhlig (ed.), Encyclopaedia Aethiopica: O-X, Harrassowitz, 2010, ISBN 3447062460, pp. 262-264

he:כהן (ביתא ישראל)

lad:Kes Shefe wa:Curé falacha




by: Gehenna

Thought you were indestructible
But now you have lost all control
Before this night is over
You will feel the power
Of my knife carving away at your gut
The blood gushes
Your life is fading
No remores in these eyes
Only the wish for you to die
I cause you pain
I murder
You stare with terror in your eyes
Beholding the instrument of your
Imminent demise
You stare in disbelief
You shiver with fear
Begging for your life
As your untimely death
Draws near
No remores in these eyes
Only the wish for you to die
I cause you pain
