KStars is a planetarium program using the KDE Platform. It can be used on most Unix-like computer operating systems, as well as on the Microsoft Windows platform using 'KDE for Windows'. It provides an accurate graphical representation of the night sky, from any location on Earth, at any date and time. The display includes up to 100 million stars (with additional addons), 13,000 deep sky objects, constellations from different cultures, all 8 planets, the Sun and Moon, and thousands of comets and asteroids. It has features to appeal to users of all levels, from informative hypertext articles about astronomy, to robust control of telescopes and CCD cameras, and logging of observations of specific objects.
KStars supports adjustable simulation speeds in order to view phenomena that happen over long timescales. For astronomical calculations, Astrocalculator can be used to predict conjunctions, and perform many common astronomical calculations. The following tools are included:
My girlfriend was
Babysitting down the street
So I bought some soda pop
And sandwich meat
She laid it on the table
And I took a seat
But I never got the
Chance to drink or eat
Cause one kiss led to another
And another and another
One kiss led to another
And another and another
The lights were low
When she turned on the radio
I could hear the music
Playing soft and low
I said, we better dance
Before I flip my lid
We both got up to dance
But we never did
I thought the night was young
Until I saw the clock
The clock was striking midnight
It was quite a shock
I started for the door
But she grabbed my sleeve
She put her arms around me
Man, I couldn`t leave
One kiss led to another
And another and another
And another and another
And another and another