Justyn Pogue is an artist and musician born in Olympia, Washington.
He has contributed his musical and visual artistic talents to several releases by Phil Elvrum's band The Microphones (now known as Phil Elverum aka Mount Eerie).
Previous to his work with Elvrum, Pogue was in the group The Patron Saints Of Fertility. This band opened for the final show by Elvrum's first group Tugboat in 1996.
Pogue lives in Japan, where he has played bass guitar for several bands including Disdomestic Violence and operates his record label, Song Of Cicada, whose most recent release is a CD by the group Strange Factory .
Justyn Pogue plays vintage B.C. Rich Warlock and Kramer XL24 bass guitars along with vintage Sunn amplifiers.
He is often credited for his artwork as j.pogue.
Among his artistic resume, Pogue's artwork is featured on Up Records catalog number 64 and the K Records video compilation entitled "Black Eye."
In 2009, Justyn Pogue released an experimental/noise album entitled "Rakutan."
Pogue is pejorative military slang for non-combat, staff, and other rear-echelon or support units. "Pogue" frequently includes those who don't have to undergo the stresses that the infantry does.
It supposedly has been used in the United States Navy and Marine Corps since before World War II, but did not enter Army terminology until some time after the Vietnam War.
Originally, the term was a sexual insult in early twentieth century gay culture, and "pogue" was slang for a young male would who submit to homosexual advances.
"Pogue" was never originally spelled "pog", nor is it an acronym. The spelling change from "pogue" to "POG" may be a confusion with the verb "póg", meaning "to kiss" in Irish Gaelic. The common Irish insult "póg mo thóin" literally means "kiss my ass." The Irish punk band "the Pogues" derived their name from that phrase. Coincidentally, the spelling itself is anglicized "pogue", since "pog" is pronounced like the word "rogue."
Due to having lost contact with its linguistic source, the modern military vernacular has turned "pogue" into a retronym/backronym (Personnel Other than Grunts).
Pogue is a derogatory term.
Pogue is also the name of: