Quit may refer to:
Quit is a pop-punk band from Miami, Florida, formed in 1988. Quit was founded by Andre Serafini, Russell Mofsky and Addison Burns. Quit has released one studio album and been on numerous compilations and one DVD compilation. Quit released Earlier Thoughts in 1990 when most of the members were 18 and 19 years old. Quit has played shows with Green Day, Helmet, and Fugazi. Quit has recorded over four full-length albums of material.
Quit was part of the late 1980s to mid 1990s Miami music scene and local punk music scene. Band members hung out at skate ramps, surfed, and went to local shows and house parties mainly in one southern part of Miami. Quit was formed in the summer of 1988, when Andre Serafini and Russell Mofsky wanted to start a band. Andre played in a band, Chocolate Grasshopper, and Russell was playing with metal gods Cynic. They knew Addison Burns from the local skate scene and asked him to join. Omar Cuellar joined in on bass guitar. After a few months, Tony Rocha replaced Cuellar on bass, and Quit's first performance was on Labor Day weekend in 1988 for the Rock-A-Thon. Quit has had four full-time members since 1989: Andre Serafini on drums, Russell Mofsky on lead guitar, Addison Burns on lead vocals/rhythm guitar, and Tony Rocha on bass. Songs were written by band members, and they would work on the arrangements together. Quit released its first album, Earlier Thoughts, on Esync Records. Quit re-released Earlier Thoughts in 1996 on Rojo Records with two bonus tracks recorded live on the air from WLRN's Off the Beaten Path, an overnight punk radio program. Quit played consistently from 1988-1996.
Queers Undermining Israeli Terrorism (QUIT!) is a gay San Francisco Bay Area political action group supporting "boycott, divestment & sanctions against Israel"; and opposing "Pinkwashing" of the "ethnic cleansing of the Palestinian people". It was founded in early 2001 by a member of LAGAI-Queer Insurrection and individuals formerly associated with DAGGER (Dykes & Gay Guys Emergency Response), which was active during the first Gulf War.
The group "supports divestment, the right of return for all Palestinians, immediate Israeli withdrawal from Palestinian territories and describes Zionism as racism."
The group opposes "Pinkwashing" (promoting through an appeal to "queer-friendliness") of the Israeli government and its allegedly anti-Palestinian policies.
A torrent is a fast flowing stream. Torrent may also refer to:
In the BitTorrent file distribution system, a torrent file is a computer file that contains metadata about files and folders to be distributed, and usually also a list of the network locations of trackers, which are computers that help participants in the system find each other and form efficient distribution groups called swarms. A torrent file does not contain the content to be distributed; it only contains information about those files, such as their names, sizes, folder structure, and cryptographic hash values for verifying file integrity. Depending on context, a torrent may be the torrent file or the referenced content.
Torrent files are normally named with the extension .torrent.
Typically, internet access is asymmetrical, supporting greater download speeds than upload speeds, limiting the bandwidth of each download, and sometimes enforcing bandwidth caps and periods where systems are not accessible. This creates inefficiency when many people want to obtain the same set of files from a single source; the source must always be online and must have massive outbound bandwidth. The BitTorrent protocol addresses this by decentralizing the distribution, leveraging the ability of people to network "peer-to-peer", among themselves.
Torrent (1926) is an American silent romantic drama film directed by an uncredited Monta Bell, based on a novel by Vicente Blasco Ibáñez, and released on February 21, 1926.
Torrent was the first American film starring Swedish actress Greta Garbo. The film also starred Ricardo Cortez as the son of a domineering mother, played by Martha Mattox.
The title refers to a flood that occurs in the small town where most of the action takes place, which draws the two romantic leading characters closer together.
The wealthy matriarch Dona Bernarda Brull (Mattox) is irritated by her son Rafael's infatuation with the orange farmer's (Edward Connelly) daughter, Leonora (Garbo). She forbids him to see her, something that causes Leonora great heartache, to say nothing of her family's financial condition. Using the singing talent cultivated by her wannabe father Pedro, Leonara leaves her humble home to later become a sensation on the stages of Paris, as La Brunna, where nobleman and other rich gentleman express their approval of her "talents".