In computer science, FINO (Sometimes seen as "FISH", for First In, Still Here) is a humorous scheduling algorithm. It is an acronym for "First In Never Out" as opposed to traditional "first in first out" (FIFO) and "last in first out" (LIFO) algorithms.
FINO works by withholding all scheduled tasks permanently. No matter how many tasks are scheduled at any time, no task ever actually takes place. This makes FINO extremely simple to implement, but useless in practice. A stateful FINO queue can be used to implement a memory leak.
A mention of FINO appears in the Signetics 25120 write-only memory joke datasheet.
FINO is an Indian financial services company. It mainly caters to people who are not part of the banking network. The company is using technology to reach out to people in rural areas.
This is a list of significant or recurring characters in the Ultima series of computer games, indicating the games in which they appeared.
The Avatar is the main character in the series. The Avatar is first known as the Stranger from another world, who defeats Mondain, Minax, and their spawn, Exodus. The Stranger becomes the Avatar once his goal changes to following the path of the Virtues, and retrieving the Codex of Ultimate Wisdom from the Great Stygian Abyss. This is noted as one of the first uses of "Avatar" in the virtual context. In the fifth episode, the Avatar defeats a repressive regime over Britannia, and in the sixth he brings peace between men and gargoyles. In the first part of the seventh episode, the Avatar infiltrates the Fellowship in order to stop the Guardian from entering Britannia; in the second part, the Avatar prevents imbalance from destroying the universe and receives the title of the Hierophant of Balance. In the eighth episode, the Avatar escapes the world of Pagan by defeating the four Titans, becoming the Titan of Ether. In the ninth and final episode, the Avatar defeats the Guardian by destroying both himself and the Guardian with the Armageddon spell. The Avatar is also the main character in both Ultima Underworld games.
Julia is a surname. Notable people with the surname include:
"Julia" is a song performed by British pop duo Eurythmics. It was written by group members Annie Lennox and David A. Stewart for their album 1984 (For the Love of Big Brother), which served as the soundtrack to the film 1984, an adaptation of the political novel Nineteen Eighty-Four by George Orwell. Julia plays during the credits to the movie. The band were chosen alongside the Dominic Muldowney orchestral composition, to much controversy. The song was produced by Stewart and was the second and final single released from the album.
The song is a ballad with very sparse electronic instrumentation and an almost a cappella performance by Lennox. Her vocals are accentuated by vocoder effects in the background. The title and lyrics of the song are based upon the novel's heroine and love interest, Julia. The cover artwork for the single is a still image from the film, featuring English actress Suzanna Hamilton as Julia.
Midway through the song, an instrumental line based on J. S. Bach's "Fugue #2 in C Minor" from The Well Tempered Clavier, Book 1, can be heard.