Metz (drink)
Metz is a discontinued Schnapps-based alcopop by Bacardi.
Other brands include Black Metz (black packaging) and Still Metz (blue packaging).
Metz was promoted with the "Freelance Scientist" advert starring Julian Barratt as a scientist explaining that Metz caused 'Judders' as well as the "Forrest" advert directed by Enda McCallion and featuring the Judderman.
The Judderman is the central character in "Forrest", an advert for Metz. An elf/Jack Frost-like creature, the Judderman waylays innocent travellers and tempts them to taste the alcohol, at which they 'judder' due to its being served cold. The advert was known for scaring children and was voted as the scariest advert of all time. There is no information of who plays the two characters in the advert except the Judderman was played by a 6ft4 ballet dancer. There were also an additional two adverts which promoted the Storm brand and Still Metz and Black Metz as well as another commercial where the Judderman puppet is disguised as an old woman and asks "Who will buy my lovely Metz? Who will buy?".