Jubango (十番碁) is a Japanese term for a Go match consisting of ten games which might be ended earlier if agreed by both players. A decisive victory would result in the opponent being 'beaten down' to a lower rank. A player would be beaten down if he fell behind his opponent by four wins in the net score. This would mean a change in the playing terms corresponding to a handicap suitable for a rank difference of one rank. Some notable historical Jubango players are Go Seigen, Kitani Minoru and Honinbo Shuei.
These matches were usually spread over long time-periods, with gaps of months possible between games. They were also peripatetic (taking place in different venues). Both of these features make them different from modern mind sports matches, which tend to be held over a short time in a definite location. Modern go title matches have adapted these characteristics of a jubango.
Among other formal matches,the jubango was a traditional form of contest in the Edo period, where players would undertake such a match against a close rival, with the goal of determining which player was stronger. In that era, top rankings were hard to achieve. The normal starting conditions would be those corresponding to the players being of equal rank, or tagaisen. This means they should alternate with Black and White, this being before the era of komigo. Not all matches were played on tagaisen terms.
In my mind with a soul conflicting
Taking over I don't know my own name
Unfamiliar cries out emotions
Bleeding senses can anybody
Help me help me
Tell me something so I can see
Choose the words that make me feel
Give me life to hold embrace
Feel the rain fall on your face
Stuck in moments with no way of knowing
Lost inside of what's better left unknown
Tell me something so I can see
Choose the words that make me feel
Give me life to hold embrace
Feel the rain fall on your face
I don't want to go
I don't want to end this way