Jötunheimr (or Jǫtunheimr; often anglicized as Jotunheim) is the homeland of the Jötnar, the giants in Norse mythology.
From Jötunheimr, the giants menace the humans in Midgard and the gods in Asgard. The river Ifing (Old Norse, Ífingr) separates Asgard, the realm of the gods, from Jötunheimr, the land of giants. Gastropnir, The protection wall to the home of Menglad, and Þrymheimr, home of Þjazi, were both located in Jötunheimr, which was ruled by King Thrym. Glæsisvellir was a location in Jötunheimr, where lived the giant Gudmund, father of Höfund. Utgard was a stronghold surrounding the land of the giants.
The protection wall for the dwelling of Menglöð, lover of the human Svipdagr.
Located under the second root of the world tree Yggdrasil in Jötunheim, the jötnar Mímir guards the place. The well is the source of Mímir's wisdom. Odin, wanting to possess great wisdom, journeys through the land of the giants to acquire it.
[Call of Jotunheim]
[Somewhere behind the border of the known world you may hear the drumming and the heavy steps of the giants. They are born out of the primeval forces of nature and descend from the time when not even the gods were born. Their brutal power is only surpassed by their wisdom, since the old age of the giants have made them see what neither gods nor men ever will.]
Jotunheim, Call the Giants
of Chaos, all the wolves of
Jarnveden, all the darkness of Utgard!
Call of Jotunheim!
Beware the Giants, the Thurizas,
beyond the border of everything.
In Utgard the ancient live
and they bear old memories
You can hear them cry beyond Eli waves.
Angerboda, call her name in the dark.
Jotunheim, Call the Giants
of Chaos, all the wolves of
Jarnveden, all the darkness of Utgard!
Call of Jotunheim!
Listen to Mimer, come to his well,
you watch the water of memory.
If you listen to the Old,
they will take you to the past.
you may hear
Manegarm howl again.
Angerboda, watch her
call on the wolves.
Thursar! Jotunheimr!
Resar! Jotunheimr!