JOSS (an acronym for JOHNNIAC Open Shop System) was one of the very first interactive, time-sharing programming languages. JOSS I, developed by J. Clifford Shaw at RAND was first implemented, in beta form, on the JOHNNIAC computer in May 1963. The full implementation was deployed in January 1964, supporting five terminals and the final version, supporting ten terminals, was deployed in January 1965.

JOSS was written in a symbolic assembly language called EasyFox (E and F in the US military's phonetic alphabet of that time). EasyFox was also developed by Cliff Shaw.

JOSS was dubbed "The Helpful Assistant" for its conversational user interface. Originally green/black typewriter ribbons were used in its terminals with green being used for user input and black for the computer's response. Any command that was not understood elicited the response "Eh?".

JOSS II, was developed by Charles L. Baker, Joseph W. Smith, Irwin D. Greenwald, and G. Edward Bryan for the PDP-6 computer between 1964 and February 1966.



Niggaz Violate

by: Juicy J

Niggaz violate I let them [?] with it
I got the magazines and you can get your issue
You can get your hand shut and I ain't talking [?]
Six feet deep your family gonna miss you
They are coming to your shit this is serious
You must be thinking Juicy J ain't that nigger [?]
I will pay you nigger 20 [?] to keep your [?]
Anybody wanna see you dead they know they are pitching in
All I know is the [?] in your heart I keep a [?]
All my guys all my killer team can be your best friend
You missed a kid, nigger I don't give a shit
Blown if they catch your [?]
They are coming by your clock let them chop a shot
Nigger should know ain't no good about the world [?]
Nigger should have known act a fool will blow your ass up
Nigger should have known I got some glue to take that lights off
Walk upon your room to get a [?] to cut your head off
You don't even wanna know the gun that cut your [?] off
Want it to your face they're gonna take the [?] off
Don't you try to run they'll pull your gun it's gonna be real [?]
