Josh Levs
Joshua Levs, commonly known as Josh Levs, is an American broadcast journalist. Born in Albany, New York, he reports for the CNN news television network.
Levs received his undergraduate degree from Yale University. He worked for NPR in Atlanta before moving to CNN.
Levs has spent more than 10 years at CNN, reporting across all platforms and networks, helping cover virtually every major story. His work explaining complex issues and fact checking all sorts of claims has earned him the nicknames "truth seeker in chief" and "Mr. Reality" on air. And the breadth of his stories and interests earned him another moniker: "senior everything correspondent." An outspoken father, Levs reports and writes columns about modern parenthood. He has brought together fellow dads for some of the most frank discussions ever seen on television. He reported and wrote about delivering his own son, unplanned, when his wife skipped labor and gave birth in their bedroom. He covers issues facing fathers for HLN’s “Raising America.”