Josef Lense
Josef Lense (* October 28, 1890 in Vienna; † December 28, 1985 in Munich) was an Austrian physicist
In 1914 Lense got his doctorate under Samuel Oppenheim. From 1927-28 he was Professor ordinarius and from 1928-1946 Professor extraordinarius for applied mathematics at the Technical University of Munich. From 1946 until 1961 he was director of the mathematical institute of the same university.
Lense (together with Hans Thirring) is known as one of the two discoverers of the Lense-Thirring effect.
Lense, J. and Thirring, H. Über den Einfluss der Eigenrotation der Zentralkörper auf die Bewegung der Planeten und Monde nach der Einsteinschen Gravitationstheorie. Physikalische Zeitschrift 19 156-63 (1918) [On the Influence of the Proper Rotation of Central Bodies on the Motions of Planets and Moons According to Einstein's Theory of Gravitation]
Vorlesungen über höhere Mathematik. Leibniz-Verlag 1948 und weitere Auflagen.
Vom Wesen der Mathematik und ihren Grundlagen. Leibniz-Verlag 1949.