Jort is a commune in the Calvados department in the Basse-Normandie region in northwestern France.
Shorts are a garment worn by both men and women over their pelvic area, circling the waist and splitting to cover the upper part of the legs, sometimes extending down to the knees but not covering the entire length of the leg. They are called "shorts" because they are a shortened version of trousers, which cover the entire leg. Shorts are typically worn in warm weather or in an environment where comfort and air flow are more important than the protection of the legs.
There are a variety of shorts, ranging from knee-length short trousers that can in some situations be worn as formal clothes to beachwear and athletic shorts. Some types of shorts are typically worn by women, such as culottes, which are a divided skirt resembling a pair of loose-cut shorts.
In British English the term "short trousers" has been used, but only for shorts that are a short version of real trousers (pants), e.g. tailored shorts, often lined, as typically worn as part of school uniform for boys up to their early teens, and by servicemen and policemen in tropical climates. The American term "short pants" is probably the nearest equivalent in the US, there they might now be called "dress shorts", a term that has not gained much currency in Britain. A somewhat similar garment worn by men in Australia is called "stubbies". "Shorts" is used unqualified in British English to refer to sports shorts, athletic shorts, or casual shorts: the last is nowadays commonplace in warm weather in the UK.
Para ti tan solo soy el amigo que ya hace falta
Cuando las cosas en tu vida ya no van como esperabas
Ese hombre complaciente, siempre con risa en la cara
Que con una sola frase, te devuelve la esperanza
Para ti no tengo sexo, ni sentimientos ni mas nada
Y si toco a tu puerta, hablando llega la mañana
Y me llevas a tu cuarto, y me sientas en tu cama
No adivinas mis deseos cuando miro yo tu falda
Un amigo que no puede aguantar mas estas ganas
De sentirte y abrazarte y enredarte en su alma
Un amigo que se muere porque sepas lo que pasa
Y tu sigues tan tranquila, y tu que no sabes nada
Tu no sospechas que
Cuando me besas se queda temblando mi cara
Tu no sospechas que
Cuando me rozas sin darte cuenta me robas la calma
Tu no sospechas que
Cuando hablamos no advierto a escuchar tus palabras
Porque no sabes que
Cuando yo miro tu boca inocente quisiera besarla
Quisiera tenerla por siempre en la mia
Tu no sospechas que, que de esta forma yo te quiero
(repite coro)
Tu no sospechas que, que de esta forma yo te quiero