The Jokerz is the name of a fictional street gang in the DC animated universe featured in Batman Beyond. The elements of the Jokerz later crossed over into the mainstream comics.
The Jokerz are a notorious street gang 35 years in the future of Gotham City that take their inspiration from the super-villain Joker, who had mysteriously disappears for decades following his final battle with the original Batman. They tend to dress in clownish costumes and make-up, as did their namesake, but have none of the style or humor of the original. However, they are occasionally clashed with the Dark Knight's successor, and his allies.
The Jokerz are known to be rivals of another street gang known as the T's.
In the animated series Batman Beyond, Batman battled different versions of the gang on several occasions. In a Justice League Unlimited episode the member Ghoul stated that there are 9,453 active Jokerz that are divided into approximately 200 separate groups (however, it is likely that the proliferation of the Jokerz membership is due to Chronos' manipulation of the time stream).
Hay un alma que está herida
Que se derrama en cada vida
Que se contempla en los espejos de la carne
Y no se dobla ni se rinde
Así como tú, amor que das la vida
Así como tú
Hay un alma que fue preñada
Sufrió el engaño de tus sueños
Anda buscando dónde esconder su mortal herida
Y está esperando verte hincado y desangrado
Así como tú, amor que quitas la vida
Así como tú
Así como tú
Y es tan fácil que te hagan daño
Ni en el último suspiro te dejas querer
Amor roto
Así como tú, amor que das la vida
Así como tú, amor que quitas la vida