From 1982–84, Whittingdale was head of the political section of the Conservative Research Department. He then served as Special Adviser to three successive Secretaries of State for Trade and Industry, Norman Tebbit, 1984–85; Leon Brittan, 1985–86, and Paul Channon, 1986–87. He worked on international privatisation at NM Rothschild in 1987 and in January 1988, became Political Secretary to Prime MinisterMargaret Thatcher. Upon her resignation Whittingdale was appointed OBE and continued to serve as her Political Secretary until being elected to Parliament in 1992.
"The failure of the Government, the ECB and the terrestrial broadcasters to ensure that the next Ashes series is at least in part broadcast free-to-air has rightly enraged many fans and players."
"The failure of the Government, the ECB and the terrestrial broadcasters to ensure that the next Ashes series is at least in part broadcast free-to-air has rightly enraged many fans and players at every level of the game. For the long- term future of the game, the next deal must ensure that some live Test cricket is broadcast free-to-air."
"Nobody wishes to see cricket starved of funds or the tremendous progress of the last few years put at risk. Nevertheless, far more could have been done by the ECB to achieve a deal that both provided the money needed to develop the sport and allowed the millions of cricket enthusiasts to continue to watch the England team perform."
Facebook ... I really can’t work it out ... BBC ... Sir John Whittingdale, a former Conservative minister who raised the case in the House of Commons, said the couple should be “thanked rather than punished” ... Migrants, Calais, Home Office, John Whittingdale ... .
Their local MP, MaldonConservative Sir John Whittingdale, addressed the prime minister about the row on Wednesday ... it, and therefore we will do so and I will make sure [Sir John] is updated.".
“He then goes to have a look and sees two legs attached to it ... Their local MP, John Whittingdale, has written to the minister for border security and asylum, Angela Eagle, asking her to review their concerns. Whittingdale said in a statement on Monday.
JoanneFenton... Sir John Whittingdale, their local MP, has also written to Dame Angela Eagle, the border minister, to review the incident. Last year, a £6,000 fine imposed on a retired ambulance driver and his wife for a similar incident was quashed ... .