Famous quotes by John Thomas:
"How bad does it have to get before people stop arguing"
"This is lovely, the real Italy,"
"Much better than Pisa."
"What are we doing? We're riding around in a van. Service is service."
"I just wish there were some way to let the people that want to get here first and tailgate to just come in and find a spot in the best place they can, and if people want to come in and just park and go to the game, they can park back here. I didn't really hear any complaints about the old way of doing it."
"The project had its challenges. Each of the retail stores remained open and operating as faade construction took place. This required significant pre-planning and constant communication."
"I can't believe Kathy Ireland is really carrying food to my car. She didn't have to do this. Just donating money and getting this stuff here was more than enough for me, but to see a woman of her stature actually helping with a problem instead of throwing money at it really makes me appreciate her as a human being."
"(Women of Wal-Mart) was a real watershed moment for Playboy.com in terms of the number of people who actually paid money to get access to the pay-per-view part of the feature,"
"It's ironic that after a political season awash in commercials based on fear and deception by both parties seen on all major networks, an ad with a message of welcome and inclusion would be deemed too controversial,"
"We find it disturbing that the networks in question seem to have no problem exploiting gay persons through mindless comedies or titillating dramas, but when it comes to a church's loving welcome of committed gay couples, that's where they draw the line."