Famous quotes by John Stevens:
"I felt acutely nervous as the procession approached. I was constantly scanning faces in the crowd looking for signs of trouble, and thinking, I hope to God nothing comes from somewhere."
"Although the termination of the contract is the last point of interest."
"They are also willing to kill without mercy -- and to take a long time in their planning."
"We are trying to tie everything into The Citizen Downtown Mile. We just want to give people a little more to do."
"We're delighted it's been resolved satisfactorily. Although we believe we've had strong policies and procedures in place, we're happy to have voluntarily enhanced existing policies and procedures to ultimately safeguard the interests of our customers in Massachusetts."
"He's one of our most physical guys and he defends very well. He understands systems and concepts and tactical plans very, very well."
"He broke his foot and missed four weeks, but he came back and picked up right where he left off. He hasn't missed a beat, playing at the same high level before he left."
"He doesn't have a real weakness playing for us. He defends well and picks his spots, getting involved up the ice. He just needs more experience against bigger, stronger and faster players, but I think he deserves serious consideration as an NHL player."
"We're still feeling this thing out. The thing I love about hockey is it's a man's game played like men, and you go out there and battle and play the game hard, and that's the way it should be. As long as they let us engage in the battles at the net, in the corners and the straight-up stuff -- the stuff around the waist, they're gonna call. We're all figuring this out right now, and hopefully it'll get better as things go along."
"I'm 110 percent for the coal-fired plant."