Kavon Powell-Coleman, 35, was charged with vehicular homicide and assault by auto in the March 4 crash that claimed the life of Victor ManuelAmaya Ramos, 68, said Somerset County Prosecutor John McDonald.
It’s been a strange week in the weather world. On St ...The Round Up shared a photo of its President, JohnMoore, directors John Trede and Gary Ramos, who visited with state legislators and other stock contractors to discuss livestock welfare ... # # ....
John Ramos, Central. When it came to making the game look easy, no one did it better than Ramos ... Ramos wasn’t afraid to fill up a scorebook himself and his ability to understand when he needed to showed every time he was out there.
“Communication, rebounds and confidence,” freshman, John Ramos said of the plan against the Rams ...Rodriguez finished with 16 points and on a self-described tough shooting night, Ramos tallied a dozen.
DeaconJohnRoberts, leader of the cycling program, at Father Joe’s Villages in San Diego on Feb ... Deacon John Roberts, right, and Arturo Ramos begin assembling an adult tricycle at Father Joe’s Villages in San Diego on Feb.