John Ousterhout

John Kenneth Ousterhout (/ˈstərht/, born October 15, 1954) is the chairman of Electric Cloud, Inc. and a professor of computer science at Stanford University. He founded Electric Cloud with John Graham-Cumming. Ousterhout previously was a professor of computer science at University of California, Berkeley where he created the Tcl scripting language and the Tk platform-independent widget toolkit, and proposed the idea of coscheduling. Ousterhout also led the research group that designed the experimental Sprite operating system and the first log-structured file system. Ousterhout is also the original author of the Magic VLSI Computer-aided design program.

He received his Bachelor's degree in Physics from Yale University in 1975, and his Ph.D. in computer science from Carnegie Mellon University in 1980.

Ousterhout received the Grace Murray Hopper Award in 1987 for his work on CAD systems for very-large-scale integrated circuits. For the same work, he was inducted in 1994 as a Fellow of the Association for Computing Machinery. Ousterhout is a member of the National Academy of Engineering.


Famous quotes by John Ousterhout:

"The best performance improvement is the transition from the nonworking state to the working state."

Midnight Wind

by: John Stewart

C'mon down, Miranda, your window's open wide
Take a chance on a midnight dance, so I can see it in
your eyes
C'mon down, Miranda, no need to fix your hair
Let's shake the town with the windows down
And fly in the midnight air
Fly in the midnight air
There are dreams that fly in the midnight wind
Souls that cry in the midnight wind
And lovers who try in the midnight wind
You and I, in the midnight wind
C'mon down Miranda, you know your time has come
You beauty queens come on so clean, but you're missing
all the fun
Yeah, you're missing all the fun
There are dreams that fly in the midnight wind
Souls that cry in the midnight wind
And lovers who try in the midnight wind
You and I, in the midnight wind
There are dreams that fly in the midnight wind
Souls that cry in the midnight wind
And lovers who try in the midnight wind
You and I, in the midnight wind
C'mon down
C'mon down
C'mon down
C'mon down
There are dreams that fly in the midnight wind
Souls that cry in the midnight wind
And lovers who try in the midnight wind
