Famous quotes by John Munson:
"There's no official parting of the ways that's gone on, but we're certainly not doing much right now. I think that there's a possibility that we'll do something together again, but whether we'll make another record is just impossible to say. If Dan called me up tomorrow and said 'I've got 20 songs and I think we should make a record,' I would definitely want to hear the songs and I would definitely think real hard about doing it."
"We wanted to shy away from drums, because it does paint you in a little bit. The things that Steve does on vibraphone, his favorite things to do are those very dreamy textures. But you can also get him to bang out the groove, too, which was cool."
"'Wild Horses' (by the Rolling Stones) is one that a bar manager suggested to us, and in a way I was a little bit dismissive of it, because how can you ever top the Stones version? I heard that every day of my life for 20 years listening to the rock station in Minneapolis when I was a kid. But once we actually set ourselves to it, it's such a fun song to sing. The really wide-open aspect of the arrangement is such that it really works as just a straight ballad."