John Brougham (May 9, 1814 – June 7, 1880) was an Irish-American actor and dramatist.
He was born at Dublin. His father was an amateur painter, and died young. His mother was the daughter of a Huguenot, whom political adversity had forced into exile. John was the eldest of three children. The other two died in youth, and, the father being dead and the widowed mother left penniless, the surviving boy was reared in the family and home of an uncle. He was prepared for college at an academy at Trim, County Meath, twenty miles from Dublin, and subsequently was sent to Dublin University. There he acquired classical learning, and formed interesting and useful associations and acquaintances; and there also he became interested in private theatricals. Brougham fell in with a crowd that put on their own shows, cast by drawing parts out of a hat. Though he most always traded off larger roles so he could pay attention to his studies, Brougham took quite an interest in acting. He was a frequent attendant, moreover, at the Theatre Royal in Hawkins Street. The impetus toward his theatrical career was, doubtless, received by him at this time and in this way.
Now summertime's here babe, need somethin' to keep you
Ah now summertime's here babe, need somethin' to keep
you cool
Better look out now though, Dave's got somethin' for
Tell ya what it is
I'm your ice cream man, stop me when I'm passin' by
Oh my my, I'm your ice cream man, stop me when I'm
passin' by
See now all my flavors are guaranteed to satisfy
Hold on a second baby
I got good lemonade, ah, dixie cups
All flavors and push ups too
I'm your ice cream man, baby, stop me when I'm passin'
See now all my flavors are guaranteed to satisfy
Hold on, one more
Well, I'm usually passin' by just about eleven o'clock
Uh huh, I never stop, I'm usually passin' by, just
around eleven o'clock
And if you let me cool you one time, you'll be my
regular stop
All right boys
I got good lemonade, ah, dixie cups
All flavors and push ups too
I'm your ice cream man, stop me when I'm passin' by
See now all my flavors are guaranteed to satisfy
Yes I'm your ice cream man, stop me when I'm passin' by
I'm your ice cream man, stop me when I'm passin' by
They say all my flavors are guaranteed to satisfy
Ah, one time
I'm your ice cream man, stop me when I'm passin' by
I'm your ice cream man, stop me when I'm passin' by
They say all my flavors are guaranteed to satisfy
One time, boys
I'm your ice cream man
I'm your ice cream man
Ah my, my, my
All my flavors are guaranteed to satis-uh-fy