John B (born John Bryn Williams, 1977, Maidenhead, Berkshire, England) is an English DJ and electronic music producer. He is widely recognised for his eccentric clothing and wild hair and his production of several cutting edge drum and bass tracks.
John B ranked #76 in DJ Magazine 's 2010 Top 100 DJs annual poll, announced on 27 October 2010.
Williams started producing music around the age of 14, and now is the head of drum and bass record label Beta Recordings, together with its more specialist drum and bass sub-labels Nu Electro, Tangent, and Chihuahua. He also has releases on Formation Records, Metalheadz and Planet Mu.
Williams was ranked 1st drum and bass DJ on the 2009 DJMag's top 100. and #92 on the DJ List as of October 3, 2009.
While his trademark sound has evolved through the years, it generally involves female vocals and trance-like synths (a style which has been dubbed "trance and bass", "trancestep" and "futurestep" by listeners). His most recent concentration is an 1980s electroclash influenced fusion of electro and drum and bass, which was dubbed 'electrostep'. At first (around early 2002), this style seemed odd and comical to some in the drum and bass community. However, this move has given John the ability to carry his style of drum and bass forward. He has dabbled in darkstep, jazzstep and various other styles in his time. When he DJs, he is known to spin both drum and bass and electro house, sometimes with other genres such as disco and rock, in the same sets.
John B. Bremner (December 28, 1920 – July 30, 1987) was an Australian-American journalist and a distinguished professor at the University of Kansas.
Bremner was born in Australia. He studied in Australia, Rome and Dublin. Bremner was an ordained Catholic priest by the time that he earned a graduate degree from the Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism. He worked as an editor at the Florida Catholic and as a columnist as the The Tidings, a newspaper published by the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Los Angeles. Bremner also taught at the University of San Diego and the University of Iowa. In 1965, he completed a doctorate at Iowa.
Beginning in 1969, Bremner was a journalism professor at the University of Kansas. He was known for a no-nonsense approach with his journalism students that encouraged them to be skeptical and to value precise, clear language. "I work on the premise that the language in American newspapers is English – not jargon. I think that newspaper readers want and deserve both good grammar and good taste, along with good information," he said. Named the Oscar S. Stauffer Distinguished Professor of Journalism in 1977, he taught at Kansas until his December 1985 retirement.
Da! Priviet!
Da! Spasiba!
Da! Priviet!
Supa! ZadnIca! Pizdiets!
Da! Priviet!
Russian Girls...
Da! Priviet!
Priviet! Russian Girls...
Da! Priviet! Priviet!
Hi there Johnny
OOh! Hihihi. Oh yeah!
Do you wanna party?
I really like russian girls
Vladimir Putin, give me yours
One two three four
Da! Priviet!
Russian Girls...
Da! Pizdiets! Spasiba!
Russian Girls...
Da! Priviet!
Mokva (так он произносит написанное по русски слово
Da! Priviet!
Russian Girls...
Sis'ki pis'ki pizdiets!
Russian Girls...
Da! Priviet!
One two three four
I really like russian girls
Sexy lady soviets
Russian girls so sexy
I just think: 'pizdiets!'
Red square, red square, give me your underwear
Red square. It's cold in Russia - I don't care
Russian Girls...
Russian Girls...
Russian girls drink lots of vodka
Then they show me their boobies in Mokva (see prev.
I don't mind if you're a communist
Just come here and give me a kiss
I really love the girls in Russia
They are so beautiful, like no other
Take me to Siberia
Let's get naked and drink some vodka
Sis'ki pis'ki pizdiets!
Yeltsin, KGB, Kremlin
Give me all your russian women
Vladimir Putin, Gorbachev
I love your ladies, oh my gosh
Sis'ki pis'ki pizdiets!
Russian Girls...
Russian Girls...
Eins zwei drei vier
Russian Girls...
Russian Girls...
Russian Girls...
Russian Girls...
Russian Girls...
Russian Girls...
Russian Girls...
Russian Girls...
Russian Girls...