Johannes de Grocheio
Johannes de Grocheio (Grocheo) (c. 1255 – c. 1320) was a Parisian musical theorist of the early fourteenth century. His French name was Jean de Grouchy, but he is more commonly known by his Latinized name. A Master of Arts, he is the author of the treatise Ars musicae ("The art of music") (c. 1300), an attempt to describe the music of his time as it was practiced in and around Paris.
He divides music into three categories:
Musica simplex (popular music; music of the layperson)
Composita (according to metrical rules; music of the educated person)
Ecclesiastica (music of the Church)
Grocheio departed from Boethius' taxonomy, which divided music between music of the world, human music, and instrumental music.
Almost one-third of Grocheio's treatise is devoted to liturgical and composed music. The rest is devoted to secular music, and Grocheio surveyed its new social importance in a systematic and pedagogical fashion. Grocheio writes, for example, that "a good fiddler generally performs every kind of cantus and cantilena [cantilène], and every musical form."