Jiahu (賈湖 pinyin: Jiǎhú) was the site of a Neolithic Yellow River settlement based in the central plains of ancient China, modern Wuyang, Henan Province. Archaeologists consider the site to be one of the earliest examples of the Peiligang culture. Settled from 7000 to 5800 BC, the site was later flooded and abandoned. The settlement was surrounded by a moat and covered an area of 55,000 square metres. Discovered by Zhu Zhi in 1962, extensive excavation of the site did not occur until much later. Most of the site still has not been excavated.
Archaeologists have divided Jiahu into three distinct phases. The oldest phase ranges from 7000 to 6600 BC. The middle phase ranges from 6600 to 6200 BC. The last phase ranges from 6200 to 5800 BC. The last two phases correspond to the Peiligang culture, while the earliest phase is unique to Jiahu.
The inhabitants of Jiahu cultivated foxtail millet and rice. While millet cultivation is common among the Peiligang culture, rice cultivation at Jiahu is unique. Jiahu rice cultivation is one of the earliest found, and the most northerly found at such an early stage in history.
Over 300 burials have been unearthed at Jiahu, accompanied by burial offerings. Burial objects range from pottery to tortoise shells. One of the most significant offerings discovered were playable tonal flutes made from Red-crowned Crane wing bones. The oldest phase at Jiahu only contains two flutes, which are tetratonic and pentatonic. The middle phase at Jiahu contains several flutes, including an interesting pair of hexatonic flutes. One of the flutes was broken, and the other flute seems to be a replica of the first flute, as it shows evidence of adjustments made to match the pitch of the first. Innovations in the last phase include the use of heptatonic flutes.
Jiahu yielded some of the oldest pottery yet found in Neolithic China. Scientists from the University of Pennsylvania applied chemical analysis to pottery jars from Jiahu and found evidence of alcohol fermented from rice, honey and hawthorn. Researchers hypothesize that the alcohol was fermented by the process of mold saccharification.
At Jiahu, archaeologists identified eleven markings of Jiahu symbols, nine on tortoise shells and two on bone, as possible evidence for proto-writing. The markings correspond to the middle phase. Some of the markings are quite similar to later Chinese characters; two of the most intriguing marks appear to be similar to later characters for eye (目) and sun (日). However, correspondence of many early non-writing symbols with the Shang dynasty period oracle bone writing is to be expected, given the pictographic style of many of the Shang characters.
"On a vu ?a tellement de fois, mais au cin?ma."
"Quelqu'un qui reste, un qui s'en va."
Tant pis c'est comme ?a.
Quand d'un ciel trop clair la foudre tombe sur nous.
"Toi qui sais de quoi je parle, je t'en prie ne souris pas"
"Toi qui sais de quoi je parle, ?coute-moi."
"Toi qui sais de quoi je parle, est-ce qu'on sort un jour de l?."
"Toi qui sait que ?a fait mal, aide-moi."
"On y croit pas, c'est trop banal, trop simple si normal."
"Juste une folie, tu ne perds rien au milieu du bal."
Mais on est si fiers qu'on se ment jusqu'au bout.
"Toi qui sais de quoi je parle, je t'en prie ne souris pas."
"Toi qui sais de quoi je parle, ?coute-moi."
"Toi qui sais de quoi je parle, dis-moi comment on se bat."
"Toi qui sais que ?a fait mal, aide-moi."
A toi qui te crois ? l'abri je t'envois ces mots us?s.
Que leur sens parvienne comme un cri ? tes pas nus.
"Toi qui sais de quoi je parle, je t'en prie ne souris pas."
"Toi qui sais de quoi je parle, ?coute-moi."
"Toi qui sais de quoi je parle, qu'est-ce qu'on devient apr?s ?a?"
"Toi qui sais que ?a fait mal, aide-moi."