Jhulasan is a small village located in district of Mehsana, Kadi Taluka in the state of Gujarat, India. It has population of about 5,000. Majority of the residents are farmers. About 1700 people from Jhulasan have migrated to USA. Some families have migrated to Canada too. Other families have migrated to nearby city of Kalol and Ahmedabad. There are many large temples in this village. The Dola Maa temple is the biggest one and world wide popular. There is a Swaminarayan Temple (Under NarNarayan Dev Gadi), Radha Vallabh Temple(Radhe Redhe) ,Ramji Mandir, Sat Kaival Ashram, Gogleshvar Mahadev, Nilkantheswar Mahadev temple(Mahadev Vas) with Shitla Mata and Hanuman Temple.
Diwali, Holi, Uttarayan, Temple Patotsav, Garba, and New Year are some of the festivals celebrated each year in Jhulasan.
There are several lakes in Jhulasan and now it is also getting water from Narmada River Canal.
Jhulasan Prathmik Shala(primary school) provides education from 1st to 8th grade and C.P.Gajjar High School provides education from 9th grade to 10th grade. To get higher education after that, one has to go to nearby village of Pansar or Vadu or city of Kalol or Ahmedabad.
It was our first holiday to share and the best I've ever known
These memories come crashing back to chill me to the bone
The tree up in the living room those presents wrapped with bows
Was our attempt to make that damn apartment our own
Do I get your mom and dad a gift this year, it just seems a little weird
It brings me down to think of how much things have changed this year
I wanna hear you say you miss me but don't want to tell you what to say
Just looking for a reason to wake up on Christmas day
It seems like you just don't understand
Losing faith in holidays that slip right through my hands
I'm hoping if you hear this song you know just what I mean
Either happy at last or done for good but no more in between
I wanna feel the way I did last year when we moved into that place
When I finish wrapping gifts, I want my pillow to still hold your face
So tell me that what were working towards
The best gift that you could give me would be something to look for
So tell me that's what were working towards and I'm not your little cheer
In hopes that we could get this right by this time next year
So tell me that's what were working towards and I'm not your little cheer
In hopes that we could get this right by this time next year
This time next year