JFS (school)

JFS (formerly known as the Jews' Free School and later Jewish Free School) is a Jewish mixed comprehensive school in Kenton, north London, England. At one time it was the largest Jewish school in Europe, with more than 4,000 pupils.


Head teachers

Other staff

  • Poet Daljit Nagra currently teaches English at the school, as well as other support staff roles including Learning Resource Centre Staff Member
  • Actor Nicholas Frankau better known for his role as Flt. Lt. Carstairs ('Allo 'Allo!) worked at the school as a supply teacher in the 1980s
  • Moses Angel was headmaster from 1842 to 1897
  • Houses

    JFS operates the house system and has four houses for organisational purposes. Students must wear a tie with stripes in their house colour, e.g. blue for Brodetski students.

    Both Brodetsky and Zangwill were former students, Angel was the first headmaster and Weizmann, who has several links to the school, was the first president of the state of Israel.

    Students are split into their respective houses for most classes in Years 7, 8 and 9 as well as inter-house competitions, such as football and basketball.



    Latest News for: jfs (school)


    Poppy’s Run/Walk for Life supports suicide prevention

    Jewish Herald Voice 21 Mar 2025
    Alexander JFS and the Montrose Center are recipients of funds raised from the event ... The Alexander JFS team was the second-largest team at this year’s event, with more than 30 representatives participating.
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